Hey, my name is Jeana. I’m out here in Arizona. I started the Predictable Premium program about two and a half months ago. I’m absolutely loving it. It’s made me a lot more accountable and made me keep my commitments, and because of my keeping my commitments, I wrote an additional $750,000 worth of annuity rollovers, which equaled up to be roughly about $70,000 in commission for myself. I also started the LinkedIn automation, which I did get my first sale of $1,000 premium per month, which is $12,000 per year. It just got approved yesterday and I should be getting my commission check tomorrow on that, which is also close to about $7,000.
I’m absolutely loving this program. I’m looking forward to having my income rapidly go higher. I am pretty much reaching all my goals, so I’m extremely excited and I’m extremely thankful to Alberto and his team of Mario who introduced me to this program, and I had a lot of help from Ian as well. I’m absolutely loving this program and I definitely would recommend it to anyone who’s looking to increase their income more than double. Thank you.

Donna M
Hi, Alberto. It’s Donna McCormack. I’ve been off track with the training so far, but I jumped on this morning and I saw you needed a video to add the LinkedIn automatic and the new training that you’re supplying. So I’m excited to start in with it. Thanks. Hope you’re having a great day.

Hi Alberto. It’s Donna from Southern California, the home of the massive wildfires. I’ve been with you for two months now. I have to admit, I procrastinated an awful lot in the first month and a half. I finally got onto LinkedIn, and I got onto Facebook automation. I sold my first case today. It was a small one. It was just a final expense, so a little over $700 a year. But I’m on my way. Thank you. I appreciate you accepting me into your program. I look forward to someone pushing me hard. Okay. Hopefully, I will continue doing what I need to do to be a successful millionaire. Thanks, and have a great day.

Hi, I’m Shoba, an agent from California, part of the Predictable Premium Program for a few months now. Having a lot of success. Getting a lot of leads. Have started getting sales. I’m really impressed by the camaraderie in this group. Anytime I have questions, I can ask the Facebook page, someone answers, and Alberto is always there to give great feedback for my work. I’ve been using the LinkedIn program to get leads, but I’m also still setting up my Facebook program.
So I’m an agent in California. I’ve been visiting the beautiful mountains of Wyoming right now. I’m on vacation, but I’m able to work from anywhere and get leads from anywhere using this program. So it’s really been working out great, and I’m looking to stay in this program, and getting continued and increased results. Thank you.

Hi, it’s Paige, I’m an insurance agent located in the DFW area of Texas. I joined this program specifically to get a guaranteed predictable way to get more clients.
Some of the things that I’ve just love about it and I’ve had a great experience with is, first, the onboarding process was really seamless with Mario. He got us in, he articulated the expectations of the program very clearly, and got us going very quickly. Then one of the other things that I really like is the fact that they give you ways to generate clients and generate income almost immediately. So there’s a way that you can generate income without any money coming out of your pocket and lastly, but certainly not least is that they’re providing you a predictable way to do business consistently, and it’s all based on data.
So if there’s an issue, you can go back to your data and your numbers and look at it and make the changes that you need to make. So I’m excited about this, I look forward to my success in the program and thank you guys for everything that you’ve done.

Kevin B
Hey, Alberto, this is Kevin from Denver, Colorado. It’s a little sunny now, but it’s been snowing the last couple of days. Hey, I’m new to predictable premium. This is only my second week. Emmy was the person who got me going and appreciated everything she did. I bought the book Deep Work based on your recommendation last week and this has been my second question and answer calls. So I’m loving what I’m learning and excited about what’s coming up and the potential to be really successful. So thank you for everything.

Hey, Alberto, this is Haley. I officially started yesterday and I already have two appointments booked next week.

David K
Hey everyone. Dave Kilpatrick here from British Columbia, Canada. Just enjoying the outside here, working from home like a lot of us are. Just wanted to give a bit of a shout-out to Predictable Premium. It’s a course that I joined about a year ago with Alberto Rielle. Just wanted to give it some props, it’s been a great addition to my business. They basically generate leads for you and show you how to do that using Facebook and LinkedIn. They got a great tech guy there whose name is Israel whose able to get me up and running within a 24 hour period. So now I have a process where I can turn my leads on and off, and it creates a funnel for me of leads that I can contact for whether it be critical illness or, or life insurance. And yeah, it’s been a great addition to my business so far and I encourage you all to take a look at it.

Hi, I’m Kirk, I’m new to Predictable Premium, I’m looking forward to getting going. I haven’t been doing life insurance very long, so I don’t really have any kind of success or failure to report yet. I am very impressed with the level of support that you get in this program so far. I sent an email in expressing some confusion and concern and was immediately responded to. Alberto and the company seem really, really stand-up and awesome, high character. And so, I’m looking forward to being a part of this team and being able to report back great success with this company. Looking forward to learning, getting through the programs, and getting going. So I want to say thank you for this new support upgrade that you’re offering to us all, that’s awesome. Again, just shows your character. Thank you.

What’s going on everybody? Cody From Tampa, Florida. I’m an agent here, been a couple of months now, I actually got promoted and now I’m an agency owner. Aside from that, started with Dreamforce about three months ago and just can’t say enough great things about the program. Got community, got personal development, got unlimited resources, unlimited help, unlimited support. Flashback to three months ago, really didn’t have too many people to speak to, didn’t like the old way of business, didn’t like the old way that I was doing things. Found Alberto and his team, and really been crunching down on things ever since then. Today, I have more than enough people to reach out to. I actually got my calendar filled up every single week and I can’t thank the crew enough for the things they’re doing.

Hey, this is Jag here, been a month in Alberto’s program. What I like about this program is Alberto, and his coaches and mentors, they work with you one by one, and Alberto literally gets on a call twice a week and answers all of your questions, all of your questions. If you’re having any trouble, any technical trouble, any motivation issues, the best thing is Alberto has gone through it by himself, and now he’s helping out the agents and teaching them on a one-on-one basis. That’s the kind of mentorship that we get from the program, and I really appreciate it. And thank you, Alberto, for such great support. Thank you to your mentors as well. I’m looking forward to grand success in my career.

Hey, Alberto, Willow here from Toronto. I’ve been with DreamSource Consulting or Predictable Premium for just about one year. And it took me a while to get my funnel complete and I’ve been working night and day the last few months. And I’ve got it ready, a few tech tweaks before I can launch, but that’s a huge win just following the system. And I love the community, I’ve made some really great friends through the community. And I love the leverage inside of the program, knowing what programs fit together to make it work like Constant Contact, Quiya, Unbounce, ScheduleOnce. I love ScheduleOnce. And just knowing how all those pieces fit together really makes a huge difference. It leverages, it’s just so much easier, so much less work when you put the right pieces together.
And I’ll tell you what I love the most about Predictable Premium and that’s the strategy session. The strategy session, it just makes such a huge difference. I’ve implemented it in my business already. And my clients are so grateful because they get to a place where they know exactly what they need to do. They know exactly what they want, what’s missing, what they need to do. They’ve got absolute clarity and a hundred percent confidence to just take that next step as uncomfortable as it may be, and they’re just so grateful to be in a place where they’re finally ready to jump in and dive in and take the right actions. It’s going to make a difference. Yeah. Thanks.

Hey Alberto, my name is Jasseim Obi. I’m still pretty new to Predictable Premium, I have spoken with you about two times already, so really excited to really dive into my lesson two and figure out my target market. Before I got to Predictable Premium I was doing about $2,200 a month in issued paid premium. So definitely want to get to higher levels than that. I’m new to this industry. I’m 23 years old and just getting started. So really excited to see what this can do for me and how far this can take me. I’m really going to dedicate myself 100% to doing this and make sure I reach my goals of $50,000 per month. So I look forward to thanking you once that happens and look forward to speaking with you soon.

Chris M
Hey Alberto, this is Chris Maloney. Just wanted to thank you for the Predictable Premium Program. I really appreciate all the time that you and the other associates like Israel have taken to respond to my questions on the bi-weekly calls and all the time you guys have taken to respond to my questions via Facebook Messenger or questions I post on the Facebook group. And I’ve definitely felt supported throughout the craziness of COVID and I’m excited to make my first sale here since. So thank you again.

Hello. My name is Jeremy, I’m 25 years old from Wisconsin. Originally from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, but I’ve since moved to Wisconsin and since I started this career path. I’m brand new to the program, I’ve been spending about a week and a half. Emmy got me started, did the orientation with me, created my account, got me into the Facebook group. Everything’s been smooth. I’ve been in two live calls. I posted a discussion on the Facebook chat, got an immediate response. So, I can only so far speak from a support standpoint. And it’s been a very positive experience. I finished lesson one, so I haven’t gotten into the nitty-gritty of it, but I’m looking forward and excited to move through the program. Thank you.

Hi, Alberto, this is Henry. I just joined the Predictable Premium on Tuesday. Kevin Knight was the one that helped me get enrolled in the program, really helpful in getting me set up and registered for all the calls. So I really appreciate that. I just got done completing the five worksheets, and I sent that in and joined my first call on Thursday, which was yesterday. I got to go over my goals with you as well as hear everyone else’s goals. Also, it was very inspiring to know others are in the same position as me, that want to take their business to the next level. So I’m looking forward to working with you more closely. I really would like to take my agency to a seven-figure business within the next few years. Thank you so much. Bye.

Hi, my name is Blanca from Chula Vista, California. I’ve been with Predictable Premium now for four weeks, but I went on vacation right after I signed up, so I’m a little behind than most, but so far I am ecstatic. Everyone has been great. Kathy or Katie and Israel have been a great help. So I’m very, very fortunate and I’m very happy to be part of the group.

Hello Alberto, Bengt here in Seattle, Washington. I actually have been a member of Predictable Premium since last year, but only now really able to get it started due to family circumstances and getting other things taken care of. What I love about the program is the education, that you have people doing step by step things that are difficult we haven’t done before, but one thing at a time. And the community that you’ve built, a tribe of people that are in different companies, but helping each other. I’ve been watching that on the Facebook group. I love it. And I’m really excited to get started. Thanks.

Hi there. My name is Alee. I’m from Toronto, Canada. I just joined two days ago and it’s been a great program so far. I started learning the very first call when Kevin really challenged me to clarify my business goals and think about what I really wanted to get out of this program.
Signing up was a breeze. I really felt like I understood how the program worked and the whole onboarding process is very clear, easy to understand, and then I’ve just worked through the first lesson and it was great. Lots of exercises that really clarify your business goals and help you truly understand what could be possible for you in this business.
So I’m excited to be here. Excited to grow. Thanks so much, everyone. Take care.

John B
Hey Alberto, it’s John Baheim and I just want to thank you for the program. I’ve been involved for just under a month now, and you’ve given me a lot of the tools that I need, a lot of the resources, the goal setting, and a lot of the motivation that I need to really get my new business up and running. I don’t have any new sales yet, but I’ve got a lot of prospects moving forward and I have made a couple of great contacts that have helped me to get my business up and running and established from scratch. So, I’m really looking forward to the future, and thank you again.

Hi, this is Amir out in Phoenix, Arizona. I’ve been in the program just a little over a year. However, I lost momentum and it got sidetracked due to my work schedule and business. However, that’s all changed. My work schedule now is a little more forgiving and I’m now able to get on the calls with Alberto. This is a great program. It’s forced me to put a lot more focus on my business that I didn’t have previously. I believe with the guidance of this program, it will be the single reason that I’ll be able to hit my income goal of $20,000 in insurance premium by December of this year.

Hello Alberto, how you doing? It’s me Shari Borlie. I joined your program Predictable Premium back in June 2020, and I want to thank you very much from the beginning because you hopped right on a phone call and you were the one who signed me up and we worked through a lot of the questions that I had and making the decision to join. I’m very happy that I joined. And not long after that, you automatically were the dearest heart. And you really helped me out a lot by working out of the program the way you did on the payment side of things, which we call the honor system. I will never forget that. And I think it’s very honorable of you to help people out. And I will definitely, and have already, referred you too. So going forward, that’s a given with me. I am very loyal and I respect people who respect others and try to help people.
Your program is wonderful. Everyone’s been super helpful to me and I’ve joined your 10X. I went through that and I’ve been joined Predictable Premium, and I am working on my avatar and trying to get that done because I am stuck on level two. Looking forward to having the accountability coach and other people that maybe can work together and help push through to get this done. Thank you again, looking forward to growing together with you and making a lot of money, and maybe I’ll see you in the Caribbeans one day, as that’s my favorite place to be. But God bless you and thanks and talk to you soon. Bye.

Hi, this is Ron from Austin, Texas. I have been in the program for just about six weeks. I opened up a LinkedIn Navigator about a week ago, and it has started already to return some premiums and set up some appointments. It’s a great program, very supportive. Everybody’s involved in trying to make you successful in the process. I’d highly recommend it.

Paul S
Hey, Alberto. Paul here. I’m grateful. And thank you to you. We joined your program last year and we are doing things here and there. And before that it was, yes, we were writing sales, but not as aggressively as we are right now, but with your program. And then there’s back end when COVID started and we got a lead magnet from you for a Cobra lead magnet. And it was awesome. Guess what? Hey, I have written from this program over 30 [inaudible 00:00:35] sales and got total of 200 leads. It’s an awesome program. And you guys are great help, anytime I need something, you guys have been always be there for me and you know what? I love it. Thank you again. And I’m look forward to working with you guys for years to come. Thanks again.

Hey, this is Jesus down in Miami, Florida. I’ve been with Predictable Premium since March of this year. Every single time that I’ve used Alberto’s script, I’ve been able to close a deal. Everything from tiny premiums, like $50 a month, all the way up to $300 a month. It has worked for me every single time I’ve used it, every single time I’ve stuck to the script, it has resulted in a close. The Facebook group is just absolutely amazing. Everyone’s always very supportive, very responsive. I was able to work with a pre to practice the script. She was great, very supportive, love the group. The tech calls, the weekly calls with Alberto is just very insightful. It’s very motivational. It makes me want to be better. It makes me want to be better for myself, for my business. Everything about it, it’s just great. Alberto’s great. Everyone in the Predictable Premium group is just awesome and I love being a part of it.

Sam N
Hey, this is Sam Nickerboker. I’m a life insurance agent out in Utah, and have just loved this program working with Alberto Riehl and his team. They made it seamless to start working with them. There’s a huge online community of people who have done and are achieving success, just the right amount of success so that you’re still really excited every week, every Monday and Thursday, to hop on and get the training that you need, answers your questions personally, tons and tons of resources. You can’t get better. And then the biggest thing is they actually give you the scripts, the words to use to be successful with what they’re being successful with. So they’re not holding anything back. There’s no secrets. I love that about it. Honestly, just within the first week or two of changing how I thought about what I could achieve and through their coaching, I was able to close about double my biggest month. So I made about 22, $23,000 in my first month working with them. So I definitely would recommend it.

Marc, Joe & John
Alberto: So, guys, Alberto here. We’re here at our First Predictable Premium Live, I’m here with Mark, and Mark what’s you think so far? What’s your biggest take away?
Mark: I had expectations coming here, but I really think it came down to the guys, the people in this group. We all say it, but what a pleasure to be able to get together with everybody, and share stories and experiences and friends, people that could be in your life for a long time. So, yeah, awesome. Loved it, and can’t wait to do it again.
Alberto: Awesome, man. Thanks. What about you, Joe?
Joe: Hey.
Alberto: Got Joe over here. He had no idea that was going to happen. What about you? What’s you’re favorite thing so far? What’s your biggest take away?
Joe: Well, I love the lead thing stuff. I love getting to know guys that I can learn from, and realizing that I was going after too small of deals. I need to start going after the bigger stuff.
Alberto: Nice. Awesome. So, yeah, we’ve been learning about how to get bigger deals, been learning on how to track ideal clients on LinkedIn, and how to close big deals over the phone as well. What about you, John?
John: You know, I’m going to sound like a broken record here, but you know being able to get together with these guys and talk about how everybody is doing the same thing, but how they’re networking, and how they’re marketing, and how they’re working with their clients to close deals, just being able to sit down and talk, hangout with people with like minds is just fantastic.
Alberto: Awesome, man. Thank you. So, again guys. There you have it. Be here next time. Talk to you on the next video.

Visar: Hey, guys, Visar here with Humberto. And we’re here at our live event in Vegas and Humberto, what was your biggest takeaway this week at the live event.
Humberto: The biggest takeaway, there was two, actually, for me. The first one was how to manage my time and be more productive. It definitely is going to be a game changer. How I view my time and how I allocate my energy into what’s profitable, you know, what’s more productive. And the second thing, the presentation by Marc about … and I do a lot of stuff on LinkedIn, but I realize I was … you know, you have to make mistakes, I was like a hack compared to what Mark showed us. So, I’m definitely going to put that into action. That was a game changer for me.
Visar: Excellent, excellent. Thank you Humberto.

Visar: Hey, guys. Visar here. We’re at our … Wait. What just happened there? I think we’re good to go now. We’re at our live, predictable premium group out here in Vegas at MGMM. I have Rafael here with me and Rafael, what was your biggest takeaway this week?
Rafael: The opportunity to understand that I have everything that I need inside me.
Visar: Excellent. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Alberto: Hey, guys, Alberto here. Riehl’s Rants, and we’re with our Predictable Premium Live. I’m here with Derek. Derek came here, actually Derek spent his birthday with us. Happy birthday, Derek!
Derek: Thanks.
Alberto: That was yesterday. And so, that’s pretty cool that he came down. You know, a lot of people would have made excuses, right? Can’t do it, got family stuff, I got birthday. But, he brought his family with him. I think that’s pretty awesome, he’s committed to the business.
Alberto: But, Derek, what do you like so far? What’s your biggest takeaway about the weekend we’ve had so far?
Derek: Yeah, just I’d say, I’m not passionate about staying in a same place, and doing the same thing. Up to being here, most people would say what I’ve done has been a success, but I really just wanna surround myself with people that can help me grow, not a little bit, but five, ten, twenty, thirty times. How do I leverage the things that other people have done, that I can surround myself with that experience?
Alberto: Absolutely.
Derek: That helps me grow my business, exponentially.
Alberto: Yeah.
Derek: That’s why I’m here.
Alberto: Awesome, man. Yeah, a lot of people have talked about collaboration, right? We’ve talked quite a bit about that, how the amateurs out there are competing. And they’re all fighting for scraps, and they’re fighting for the crumbs. The true pros, they collaborate. And that’s one of the things that we’re doing here. We’re sharing ideas, everybody;s an open book, everybody’s a hundred percent transparent. We call it radical transparency, and man, we’re just having a great time. So, thanks Derek for being over here with us.
Derek: Yeah, thanks for having me.
Alberto: Yeah, absolutely. And we’ll see everybody on our next video. Alberto, and Derek.

Alberto: Guys Alberto Riehl here.
Trent: Trent.
Alberto: These guys are our Canadian guys. We have a couple of guys from Canada. We’re in six countries now. Predictable Premium and we had our first ever Predictable Premium Live and Trent, what’s your biggest take away so far, or what’s your favorite thing so far?
Trent: I guess that it’s not all about product, it’s about how your mindset is and how your body is and if you can master that then you’re going to master the business.
Alberto: Awesome man. Thank you. Nice, concise, brief and to the point, which is the way we do things around here. Nice and simple. We had Barry show his presentation yesterday. The way he closed his 100,000 plus cases in one phone call and how long was the presentation?
Trent: The beat of it probably 15 minutes, 20 minutes so it was good.
Alberto: Yeah, in about a full half hour he takes somebody from A to Z and is a doing an application. Pretty amazing. No quotes. Keeping it super simple. No numbers, no pricing. None of that stuff that most insurance guys are doing. They’re making their life way too complicated. Right?
Trent: Yeah.
Alberto: Awesome. Thanks Trent. Great to have you here all the way from Canada. Eight guys.
Trent: Thanks Alberto, awesome time.
Alberto: Awesome. We’ll see you on the next video guys.

Alberto: Hey guys, Alberto, I’m here with Roger, another one of our clients and members, Predictable Premium. Roger, what’s been your favorite thing so far? What’s been your favorite takeaway?
Roger: Yesterday, watching Barry go through his presentation was really good. I was surprised at how short it was, I’m like, “Wow, that’s it?” And very simple, straight to the point. And also the video presentation you had on LinkedIn was very enlightening. It’s very simple to put into practice. That was my two favorite things yesterday.
Alberto: Awesome. Yeah, we want to give these guys something they could go back on Monday and put into action right away. So yesterday, we had one of our experts give them a LinkedIn strategy to bring in clients, not spending any money, so for free. An actual messaging, word for word messaging, exactly when you should do it, how long you should wait in between, really no guess work. So you can put into action right away.
Roger: How to track it.
Alberto: Yeah, how to track it. Oh yeah, how to track it, worksheets, so you can track your numbers, everything.
Alberto: Then we had Barry as well. I thought the same thing, I saw his presentation. Barry is the best at closing deals over the phone, big deals. This guy has closed two hundred thousand dollar-plus deals a year, in just the last couple of months. And everything is done in one appointment. The whole presentation takes about 30 minutes, 35 minutes. Did he talk about price at all?
Roger: No.
Alberto: On the presentation? No. They don’t talk about price, no premium, no cash value, none of the stuff that most people are quoting, money, and all this stuff. That’s way too complicated. People don’t want to know about that. They just want to know that their needs are getting met. That’s what Barry does. And in 35 minutes, he has you applying for coverage, right? It was super cool.
Roger: I was impressed with the fact that he does everything virtual. He never meets with them.
Alberto: All by phone guys, all by phone. He does it in his Hurley T-shirt, right?
Roger: He does.
Alberto: So cool. Well thanks Roger. Alberto Riehl guys, and we’ll see you on the next video.

Alberto: Hey, guys. Alberto. Predictable Premium Live, taking a little break here. We’ve got one of our guys that is doing a whole bunch of business, David. Hey, David, tell me. What have you liked so far about this weekend? What’s your favorite thing or your biggest take away so far?
David: I don’t have any big take away. I think everything that we’ve done is combined and the whole entourage of what you’ve embedded into us is what we really need to do, and that’s what Predictable Premium is all about, is really making it happen, and taking each component and working on it one by one, and getting to the next level, and go up the stairs, like baby steps, and eventually get to the top.
Alberto: Absolutely. Yeah. We keep things very simple, right? Most people are going after a bunch of stuff, and we just make it micro steps, little tiny steps at a time, so we can digest it, understand it, and take massive action, because that’s where the results come from, right?
David: That’s where it goes.
Alberto: Awesome man. Awesome. Thanks. We’ll see you guys in the next video.
David: Thank you, Alberto.
Alberto: Thank you.

Visar: Hey guys, Visar here at the Predictable Premium Live event. We’re just taking a little break, and we got Don here with us. Don, what was your biggest takeaway this week, and if you were to sum it up, what did you mostly learn?
Don: Everything. Everything’s perfect. The way Alberto teaches us is the best from the best. I like everything, the thinking, the method that we have to go implement ourselves first, and then we go outside, and get our work done. We have to work on us first before we get into the field. I like that.
Visar: Excellent. Excellent. Thank you so much Don, and we look forward to working with you in the future, and it’s been great having you here so thank you for coming.
Don: Gracias
Visar: De nada.
Don: Gracias te Alberto y hey, you’re welcome. Don’t delay in taking his advice. Thank you, Visar.
Visar: Thank you.
Don: Thank you, Alberto.
Visar: Thank you, Don. Thank you.

Alberto: So I’m here guys at Predictable Premium Live in Las Vegas. This is my buddy, Anthony, he’s a client of ours. And Anthony what’s been your favorite thing, your biggest takeaway so far?
Anthony: Man, I think it’s just being with a great community of people, and everyone sharing the same insight, and the same positive sense of mind. We were talking a lot about how the body works, how we get moving, how we motivate ourselves. And we’re doing a lot of those exercises today, and everyone’s helping each other out. Collaboration is the main thing that I like here. People with like minds collaborate, and collaboration’s the most powerful thing among successful people.
Alberto: Absolutely.
Anthony: Yeah.
Alberto: Awesome, man. Thanks, Anthony. He didn’t know I was gonna do that. But anyways if you’re not here, maybe you should be at the next time. This is Alberto, we’ll see you on our next video.

Visar: Hey guys, Visar here again. We got Scott. Scott is from … Toronto?
Scott: Nova Scotia.
Visar: Nova Scotia. Sorry about that.
Scott: Alibi’s.
Visar: Yeah. Great mussels and clams there. It’s one of my favorite places to grab a little seafood. Anyway, we’re here at our live event, Predictable Premium live event in Vegas. Scott, what was your biggest takeaway this week?
Scott: Probably … Actually, more of the same. I’ve been working on this for about four or five or six months now, just getting a lot of the men off my plate. Yeah, so I’m just going to keep plugging away with that, for sure.
Visar: Awesome. Well, it’s very good having you here and thank you for coming all the way from Nova Scotia.
Scott: Thanks, man.

Mario: Hey guys. Mario Gamboa here with Mike at our first Predictable Premium live event in Las Vegas. Mike, what was your favorite part of the weekend?
Mike: The number one thing I think was the association, being able to be in the room with so many successful people that are achieving their goals, and sharing the ideas and best practices was really just a gift.
Mario: Great. Mike, you know, it’s a pleasure having you here this weekend and we look forward to continuing to work with you.
Mike: Absolutely.
Mario: Thanks for being here.
Mike: Thank you.

Mario: Mario Gamboa, here, at our first Predictable Premium Live event. I’m here with Chad. Chad what was your favorite part of the weekend?
Chad: Just how open everybody was to share what’s going on in their world. You know, not just you guys that are part of the instruction team, or leadership. Everybody was an open book and it was very empowering to be around people that are successful and are willing to share. So it was a really cool weekend, I’m looking forward to trying to knock off the boat and make application to a lot of things I learned.
Mario: Absolutely. Chad, it was a pleasure having you here this weekend, and we look forward to continuing to work with you.
Chad: Yeah, you too, man.
Mario: All right.
Chad: Thank you.

Mario: Mario Gamboa here and I’m with Ron at our first Predictable Premium Live event. Ron what was your favorite part of the weekend? What’s the biggest thing you’re taking away?
Ron: It’s getting into anything you want, to never be the best, biggest, brightest, richest person in the room because when you’re that, you stop growing. So I’m glad to be in an environment to where everybody is pushing each other and providing value and I want to strive to be like them or even be better so that I can contribute and give value back to everybody but that’s the biggest takeaway is. I’m in a room full of not just really good people and really smart people, real hungry people, people pushing each other but sup supportive and that gives me more hope and more love and more energy to do this even harder because … beside your wise you still need some fuel. So that’s what I love about it.
Mario: Absolutely Ron it’s been a pleasure having you this weekend and we look forward to continue working with you.
Ron: Appreciate it.
Mario Gamboa: Alright.

Mario: Mario Gamboa here, and we’re here with Olu. Olu, go ahead and tell us what your favorite part of the weekend was.
Olu: My favorite part about the weekend was just the knowledge that Alberto has on … Talks about the units of energy that you have for your whole day and that was really good and helped me to think about my day and how to structure my day in a way to be able to maximize what I’m supposed to be doing, which is selling, basically. Also, loved Barry’s presentation. Yeah, those are two great things.
Mario: All right. It was great having you here this weekend and we look forward to continue working with you.
Olu: Absolutely. Thank you.
Mario: All right.

Mario: Mario Gamboa here at our first predictable premium live event. I’m here with Kathy. Kathy, what was your favorite part of the weekend?
Kathy: Yesterday, Saturday, I got to hear Barry and got to hear the guy talk on LinkedIn and I feel like got to know a lot of the other people. And there’s so much good information and good experiences from everybody else to be able to encourage me on my journey and to let me know that I can do this. It’s just one step at a time and that there is much out there to be done. It’s been a wonderful weekend, so glad that I got to come, so glad.
Mario: Well, it’s been a pleasure and we look forward to continuing work with you so thank you for being here.
Kathy: Thank you very much.

Hi, this is Dante and I’m giving a testimonial for the Predictable Premium. I am in week three and I’m super excited with what I’ve been learning. I’ve got the Seven Figure Script right now and I’m memorizing that. I’m really looking forward to putting that into action. Alberto is just a phenomenal teacher as well as just caring and very thoughtful with his process, and I’m super excited to do the future weeks. Looking forward to continuing this program. Thank you.

Hey, Alberto. It’s Brandon. Just wanted to let you know how much I’m enjoying the Predictable Premium program, as well as just let those agents out there …
I’m a captive PNC agent, and just let people know that this program is really going to break you out of your normal thought process when it comes to approaching life insurance. It really it was a paradigm shift for me and continues to be as I go through the program. It’s pushed my thought process and made me think about things differently, think about marketing differently, think about ROI differently, and most importantly that conversation with the customer and how we’re approaching that, and how we’re getting to make our premiums at the
end of the day. Thank you so much. It’s been a great journey thus far. I know it’s going to have more to offer as I continue to grow. Thanks

I want to give a shout out to Alberto and the Predictable Premium group. Man, this has been mind blowing and changing, it’s been crazy. Very enjoyable ride so far. The community itself, of all the other people that are involved in this, are hands down some of the most elite guys out there. They’ve made the investment to change their business, they’ve made the investment to advance their business to the next level. Nobody that you’re gonna see in this group is just barely trying to make it, or just barely getting by. This is advanced, educated group, very successful, that are looking to make the next step. Alberto is one of the best teachers I’ve had, business coaches, and I’ve had a handful over the last decade. His knowledge of client facing materials, his knowledge of closing business, his knowledge of the technical savviness of using Clickfunnels and things like that to really take off your business is second to none. So I’m not sure who’s listening to this, but if you had the opportunity to phone call, I hope you pulled the trigger. If you did, I’ll see you on the inside. DreamSource Consulting LLC

My name’s Tyler. I’m a State Farm Agent in Minnesota. The Alberto Riehl Predictable Premium Group has been a real game changer for me and my office. With the techniques that I’ve learned we’ve been able to teach my team. We’ve also been able to use those, not only in our life insurance sales, but also our home and our auto sales, as well as our health insurance sales, which has really increased production exponentially. I continue to learn everyday from, not only Alberto, but also from the other insurance professionals in our industry to help me grow as an agent and to also help my team grow as well as grow my business.

Hi, this is Barry. I’m going through Alberto Riehl’s program right now. Not only have I learned just some amazing principles and concepts, but it’s changed the dynamic of my business in the sense of how I teach and educate my clients, and the principles that I’ve learned, the tools that I’ve been able to get from Alberto have been phenomenal. I’ve been in the industry 17 years, and Alberto’s teaching me new things with his program and thinking into results and all that comes with it. Thank you, Alberto. Looking forward to the future and crushin’ it. Thanks.

Hello everybody. My name is Sanan. Just recording this brief video as a testimonial in order to have access into the new platform that Alberto has put together for us in this course coaching, Predictable [inaudible 00:00:21]. I have to say that since taking this coaching with Alberto, I’ve been touching on things that I already knew, but somehow I had procrastinated to implementing. What I like about the course is definitely that it’s making me take accountability, take responsibility for going out there and doing what I am supposed to be doing on a daily basis. The daily activities. Looking forward that everybody else is having a blast with this. I have to say that it can be a little bit uncomfortable at times, because we are doing things a little bit different, but definitely have to say that
learning new ways, and I have to go out there and impact people’s lives. Just by doing small changes and how we present them, how we present something of value for them for their families, and making sure that we are educating them.
Thank you for the opportunity. I am very thrilled that I am going through this process. Thank you, Alberto. And looking forward to become one of the best if not the best student of following this, following the steps of what you have done in the industry. And definitely making sure that I get the most out of it, and thank you.

Alberto R.: All right. So, guys this is Alberto Riehl, and I’m here with one our Predictable Premium clients, Andrew. And, Andrew, I just wanted to, well first of all, thank you for taking the time to hang with us for a little bit. And, I wanted to see what’s your favorite thing about Predictable Premium so far?
Andrew: Yeah, so far, you know, one of the biggest take aways that I didn’t expect with Predictable Premium was that it’s not just like a simple plug and play pay us money and we’ll help you get life insurance prospects. But, it’s really been more of a mindset shift of how to approach selling and prospecting and to think about money. And, so, I didn’t really expect that. But, the whole mindset shift that Alberto and the system of Predictable Premium has been really helpful to me.
Alberto R.: Nice. Awesome, man. Awesome. Great to hear. Yeah, you know, it’s funny, I’ve had a lot of guys share about the mindset. And, the more that I study, the more I realize how valuable that is, you know? And, we study athletes a lot. I believe that sales professionals are like professional athletes, we should be practicing every single day. Professional athletes are practicing twice a day sometimes, you know? And, the average sales person out there will get decent in the first year maybe, and start having some average results that maybe, you know, it kind of pays some bills. And, then, they kind of slow down and take it easy. And, of course, you know, we’re always pushing to keep going and keep raising the bar. And, I’m glad that you recognize that, that mindset makes a big difference.
You know, you can give a program or a script to 50 different people, 50 different sales professionals. And, the guys with the better mindset, with the most confidence, with the healthiest self esteem are going to outperform everybody else every time, you know, with the tools. So, the tools are great. But, having the mindset, of course, to use them can make a big difference. So, cool.
Anything else that you’d like to share as far as the program goes?
Andrew: You know, not right now. You know, I’ve got my leads and stuff ordered from Peter and the mailing service. So, I’m looking forward to those to start rolling in. And, you know, just looking forward to the next step.
Alberto R.: Awesome, buddy. Well, thank you for being with me.
Andrew: Yeah.
Alberto R.: All right. Awesome, dude. So, all right. Now my next meeting isn’t until 8:44 Pacific time. So, we have over half an hour. I have no problem going over half an hour. I’ve been doing that with the guys just to, I’m always trying to-

Alberto Riehl: All right. This is Alberto Riehl, and I’m here with Yeugene, one of our Predictable Premium clients and, Yeugene, I just wanted to ask you what’s been your … what’s your favorite thing about Predictable Premium so far?
Yeugene: Well, I think that the program itself is very informative, and it’s very, like, it really teaches you how to go through step by step to understand what it takes to do sales because we’re all experiencing the same problem across the board in this industry, is landing clients. This problem teaches you very specifically what to do, what to say, how to target clients. I like that a lot. Oh.
Alberto Riehl: [inaudible] we turn this off. Apologize for that.
Yeugene: No problem.
Alberto Riehl: Well, great. Thank you. Now so far you’ve been on the program, what’s your biggest takeaway or the biggest thing that you’ve learned that you feel has given you the most value?
Yeugene: Well, I’m still fairly new. I’m waiting for the leads to start coming in. I talked to Peter and they should start coming in some time either end of this week or next week, so I’m waiting for that. But I’ve been studying the script, actually practicing that script. In my opinion, it’s very clever because it doesn’t … it’s very, I should say, it’s very not invasive.
When people hear life insurance, “Let’s talk about your … let’s analyze your finances. Let’s see where you’re keeping your money so maybe we can direct some of the funds that you have or some of the money into.” When you start talking like this, people put up barriers, but when you say, “Look, something happens to you, we just want to at least your most valuable assets, which most people consider their homes, could be protected. Let’s talk about that first.”
I think it becomes a lot easier for people to comprehend. Alberto, first time I saw the advertising piece that Peter sends out, I was personally impressed on how simple this is … how simple this is. This is a mortgage protection program, and it’s easy. Pay yourself first.
I’ve been in business for a long time and been times where I made a lot of money, been times where I had some difficult times, but … even though I understand the money, now I’m financial advisor, paying yourself first wasn’t my philosophy of saving the money. It was not. Now it is. It took me this program to finally realize that things like this, what makes you more discipline, more efficient because ultimately why do you do this? Why will it work? So we can have some to show for.
Alberto Riehl: Sure.
Yeugene: So this program on many levels pushing gear into, kind of putting you on the right path. so, I don’t know, I’m happy that I’m part of it.
Alberto Riehl: Awesome. Well, thank you very much for taking the time to sharing that with us. I appreciate you being part of the program and I look forward to keep working with you and keep seeing more of the results. So thank you.
Yeugene: Thank you.

Alberto Riehl: All right, buddy. I’m here. This is Alberto Riehl. I’m here with Dan and Dan is one of our clients and one of our students. Dan, thank you for joining us. I’d just like to ask as far as our program goes, what’s been your favorite thing about the program so far?
Dan: My favorite thing is one, on the first call when you give your wisdom. I believe in seeking a lot of wisdom, so that really helps me get started in the morning. But pretty much how you figured how you’re gonna help your community. Obviously, on Facebook when we get in there that’s invaluable. And also, your calls. It’s not very often you can get together with a mentor and get on a car and they’re gonna give all their time for you. So, that’s hard to find. But as far as … You know, internet is kind of where everything’s going and in our industry it’s hard to just, like me, tap your war market. And when your war market is gone, what do you do?
With Alberto’s system, he’s pretty much figured it out and if you’re coachable, you’re gonna be able to do this. I come from a background of having some business so when you put your own thoughts into a business that you don’t know of, you’re gonna start out slow. I like Alberto cuz he’s direct. He’s just gonna tell you hey, don’t do this. You can do that, but go ahead, you’re not gonna get anywhere. So, you know, that’s a lot said. But what I really like about Alberto is his warm heart.
When I got into this business … Actually, in this program, I really didn’t think he was even gonna give me the time of the day so I really appreciate everything that Alberto does for me as far as giving a guy like me a chance to even be in a call on somebody like him where he’s been. I’m just humbled through the whole experience and I know faith comes from hearing so when you come to these meetings and you hear all the other people having success, you can only do well. So, I just … Like I said, I thank God number one. Thank two, meeting Alberto. I want to be like him as far as modeling two days a week. I want to have that oceanfront. I’m a family guy and I want to spend time with my family. And I’m gonna have my struggles and that’s just part of the system, but as long as I stick with it, like I said, I have faith.
With being on a call with somebody like Alberto, how are you gonna fail? I think your success is gonna be through all your hard work but mentorship is a hacking business so with Alberto being there as my mentor, I can’t even say anymore. It’s just a blessing. That’s pretty much what I have for Alberto. I’m gonna go through my struggles but like everybody else in the group, they’ve been there. So, when you know you’re not the only one in the boat going through the hard, rocky waters, you’re all gonna make it to your final destination. And with the unpredictable premiums I’m gonna go through my level one and eventually get to my level two.
When I did ask Alberto direct questions, it’s not very often you’ll get somebody that’ll just tell you just do this okay? Trust me. So, for me not knowing anybody and I’m talking to somebody literally across the world here and you just gotta put your trust in that.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah. Absolutely. Well, I appreciate the kind words. I don’t know if you’re on the call on Monday. We have two support calls, right? And what’s great about it that surprises people, cuz a lot of times people say what if I give you my money? I gave somebody my money before and then they disappeared. I always have to … Okay, well we’re a little different, right? We have two calls a week now for support live. It’s the last thing on my schedule. I don’t have a time limit. And I really enjoy those calls. If you’re on the one Monday, today’s Wednesday so two days ago we had a record call. The longest call we’ve ever had by far. It was almost three and a half hours.
Dan: Yeah. I was in that.
Alberto Riehl: And [inaudible] about two and a half hours into it I had to pause for a second and I called my wife and I was like can you please send me an espresso and a glass of water and an energy bar? I was like wow, I had no idea we were gonna be on so long but yeah, we stayed there til anybody that had questions and anybody that had anything they wanted to go over, that’s important to me that they get their questions answered. If they’ve made the commitment to their business, to their family, to themselves and to us, then I wanna make sure that we’re there for them.
And I just had a meeting with my staff yesterday. It looks like we’re going to be adding a third call, so now we just keeping making the program better, more service, more support. Now instead of two live calls a week we’re gonna go to three. So, thanks for that. And Dan, what’s been your biggest takeaway so far in the program, Predictable Premium?
Dan: Biggest takeaway? Just the structure of how you do it. I’m with another company and obviously when they go over their production … I mean, their product presentation, they have the presentation, power slides. They have all these other tools. And my takeaway from you is just pretty much … I know about the third party stories but my takeaway is how you utilize rich dad, poor dad. You kinda make your client think a lot more how they’re gonna save their money and handle their finances.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah.
Dan: My takeaway is that. Helping them focus on that versus a PowerPoint where my company will show all the brochures; the typical style like that. Just totally different from how the normal … Well, I haven’t been in insurance long, but from my company, how they do it.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah.
Dan: So, takeaway is just different.
Alberto Riehl: Different than the traditional way. Definitely.
Dan: Right.
Alberto Riehl: People are really surprised by that. Cool. Well, Dan, thank you for the kind words. And so, now-

Alberto Riehl: All right so we’re recording. This is Alberto Riehl and I’m with one of our clients and one of our members, Michael. And Michael, the first thing I’d like to ask is just so far with our program Predictable Premium, what’s your favorite thing so far?
Michael: So far it’s really been the support. I get on these calls with all these other guys that are doing the same thing and they’re having some of the same problems and I’m listening to the advice that you’re giving them, the advice that they’re giving each other on the Facebook group and I really enjoyed seeing some of that. It’s kind of helped me tighten a bit of what I’m doing and kind of validated some of the stuff that I’ve been running into that it’s not just me. There are other people that have these problems and there are solutions to them. There’s people that’s overcome them as well. That’s, I think, been the single biggest thing that I’ve noticed so far. I’m only a few weeks in, but that’s been a great help for me.
Alberto Riehl: Nice. Nice. Anything else that you want to share? Maybe your biggest takeaway or anything else that you might want to share about the program experience so far?
Michael: I think just having something to go off of. I’m reading through these scripts. I mean I’m seeing things that you worked out and what you’ve done and just kind of taking that and being able to start working with it immediately working it into my presentations and starting to use some of the language and that. This is something you don’t have to reinvent the wheel which is great because I know there have been plenty of people that have been successful doing this. So, why do I have to come up with everything from scratch? You know, start building off of what people have proven works and make that work for me.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah. Awesome. Yeah, that’s one of the things that we get from a lot of our agents and advisors is that all the decisions are pre-made already, right? While most people are trying to do the best they can out there with just do whatever they can do, everything has been pre-decided and that’s what makes it easy. You just follow the steps, step by step and if you do that, you’ll get results. Awesome man. Well thanks for coming on and sharing that with us.

Todd: [inaudible].
Alberto Riehl: All right. This is Alberto Riehl with Predictable Premium and I have Todd here joining me. He’s one of our clients and students, and becoming one of our friends. He’s been with us for a little while.
Todd, first thing if you can share with us, what’s your favorite thing about our program so far?
Todd: My favorite thing about the program so far is I’m very impressed with the results that the agents are posting in the group in terms of what they’re writing, very impressive as property casualty agents. I don’t write that kind of premium and I’d certainly like to and that’s why I’m in the program, to step up my life production in a big way,, because as a property casualty agent, pretty much all the company awards are based on life insurance production. All the trips, all the accolades and the kudos are based on life insurance production.
My favorite thing about the program is being able to interact with the other agents that are on from all parts of the country, all different companies, it’s very inspiring to me as opposed to stocking the same agents locally from the same carrier. So it gives much different perspective on the business in a very positive way, its very inspirational and motivational.
Alberto Riehl: Nice, awesome, good deal. And so far what do you feel has been your biggest takeaway from the program or biggest lesson that you like or appreciate?
Todd: Getting to preparation that you teach for appointment, in some cases to some agents it might be common sense but even after being in the business for 33 years, and being distracted by the circus,if you will, of the property [inaudible] business. Its difficult to be prepared, or think about it half of the time, but it’s very critical and I agree with your teachings on that since I have been in the business for a very long time. Preparation for the appointment including common sense things like being on time, and dressing nice, and parking in the driveway that was not something I really thought about before but it makes a lot of sense.
So the script itself is very powerful and so much looking forward to actually being at the point where I can preside to somebody but all the videos that I watched so far, more or less four now, are right on, spot on from my experience in the insurance business. And as you stated in your videos, it’s not something that life insurance companies really teach their agents, and it’s something that they should teach their agents. Specifically what I would call a red letter language presence, showing people illustrations and talking about product types and so on.
Alberto Riehl: Awesome man, good deal. I really appreciate you taking the time to do this.

Alberto Riehl: Hey Guys. Alberto Riehl and I’m here with one of our clients and students with our Predictable Premium program, Sean. Sean’s had a lot of success in the past before he came to us and Sean I guess the first thing is what’s been your favorite thing about Predictable Premium so far?
Shawn: So far the process that you’re taking us through is step by step, learning the key components of Predictable Premium each week. And I’m actually just finished week two, going into week three and I’m excited. Already I’ve got a team of folks that are also with me so I’ve kind of slowed down my process a little bit for them to catch up.
But everybody’s very excited to have this opportunity to get in front of 10, 15, 20 people a week. I’ve been in the business as you mentioned about 30 years and I’ve used a number of different marketing programs and am currently using some marketing programs that are successful but this is another program that I was introduced to and it appears that it is going to be very successful for myself and my team.
Alberto Riehl: Good deal. Awesome. I know you’re pretty early in the program, just a couple of weeks. Any take-aways so far? What’s been your biggest take-away so far?
Shawn: I think I guess the take-away, it’s like anything. You have to, with success there’s always a system and a process. Generally if you follow the system, you get the results. If you don’t follow the system, you won’t get the results.
Alberto Riehl: Sure.
Shawn: So it’s very clear in how it’s spelled out in the process and I’m working on that and it does get into a lot of deep aspects of what I want out of life, which is great. It’s very thought-provoking. I’ve been setting goals and establishing goals my whole career but honestly getting into your 20 professional launch, your 20 personal launch and then just laying it all out and having … I’ve used goal cards and things again in my whole career but there’s … Really it’s a very thought-provoking process really and creates the subliminal messaging and things that go along with this are pretty impactful.
Alberto Riehl: Okay. Great. Thanks. Sean thank you for taking the time to share your experience so far with us. And so-

Alberto Riehl: So guys welcome. This is Alberto Riehl and I’m here with a couple of our clients. This is Darren and he’s here with Phil as well and Darren the first thing I wanted to do real quick is ask you in Predictable Premium what’s been your favorite thing about the program so far?
Darren: Well, we’re still new to it so we’re waiting our leads but so far it’s … My favorite thing is that it’s legit. I’ve never got something from Facebook and followed through with it. And it’s not just a get rich quick scheme. It’s legit program with processes in place and I’m a firm believer and I can’t wait to see what it does for us.
Alberto Riehl: Awesome. Good deal man. And what do you say so far is your biggest takeaway from the program?
Darren: My biggest takeaway is, I mean they follow the processes. It’s tried and true. No sense in reinventing the wheel. You’ve got these processes down. You’re sharing them with us and we’re going to see it through and follow it exactly as it’s supposed to be and get great results, I have no doubt.
Alberto Riehl: Awesome. Good deal.

Tony: Thank you for taking the time. Tony, the first thing is, I just want to maybe ask you, what’s been you’re favorite thing about the program so far?
Tony: The favorite part, I mean obviously, is that it is all well thought, is been tested and proven, but I do feel the program itself is very solid. Plus, the weekly, two times of the webinar. So, yourself will be answering a lot of questions. This is how I feel, like with all concerns and all difficulties, like verbally, the way you communicate with each other is actually the most effective way, instead of sending messages or writing emails.
Yeah, I think so far that’s my biggest … I mean, I enjoy the program and being learning about, yeah.
Tony: Okay, good. What’s been your biggest takaway so far, from the program?
Tony: My biggest takaway is system. It’s just to have that key word in all my actions. That’s how you build it, so the spirit and the core of always building something, always testing why. I think this is the biggest takaway. I’ve learned that before, but it’s just like this is more … We put everything in action. And I’ve seen you done it, and I know should do the same. I think this is how I see it.
Tony: Okay. Cool. Sounds good, man. Well, thank you for taking the time to share that with us. So, Tony, I’m going to take a lot of notes here. Now, next 30 …

Alberto: All right. So guys, this is Alberto and I’m here with Clint, one of our Predictable Premium clients. Clint thanks for taking the time man to join me here. And I just wanted to ask you what’s been your favorite thing about Predictable Premium so far?
Clint: Yeah. So far I’ve gone over the book and read a lot of the good concepts and stuff and implemented some of the language in my financial planning practice that you’ve used in the script that I’ve been learning. Just trying to take that all in now but just learning a lot thus far.
Alberto: Boom. Good deal to know. And what’s been your biggest takeaway so far?
Clint: So far, I’m probably on week three right now of the Predictable Premium stuff but the biggest takeaway, they’re just utilizing the concepts that were built into that book. It’s huge and being able to not only apply them into my client’s lives but just being able to apply it my own life.
Just having that conversation my wife and just talking to her about maybe we’ll stop spending some money here and putting the money back into here. But it’s extremely helpful not only in my client’s lives but my personal life as well.
Alberto: Yeah. Awesome man. Well good to hear and it’s funny you say that because yeah, I’ve had a lot of agents and advisors mention that they’ve been able to share the concepts and get results not only with their clients but they’re applying it in their own lives and with their partners, husbands or wives and it’s making a difference in their lives as well. So that’s pretty cool that that’s happened in your life also.
Clint: Yeah.
Alberto: Cool man. Appreciate your time and look forward to speaking to you on our next phone call.
Clint: Yeah.

Alberto Riehl: I’m here with John one of our guests with Predictable Premium. And, John I just wanted to thank you for your time here, and really we just wanted to ask you with Predictable Premium, what’s been your favorite thing about the program so far?
John: I think my favorite thing is listening to the people that are doing it, and that are having the success that I wanna have.
Alberto Riehl: Awesome. Yeah. Definitely the community is a big piece of it. And, if you had to put your finger on, let’s say, one or your biggest takeaway, what would you say that is so far?
John: If you don’t do the work, you’re not gonna get it. You know? That’s the bottom line, right? We can talk and we can do all these things, but if we don’t take what you say and what the other people are doing and actually practice it and do it, it’s not gonna work.
Alberto Riehl: Sure. A lot of times people ask if it’s a get rich quick scheme or something like that, and I say, no. It’s not. We do have a step by step system, and I’m so confident in it that I guarantee it in writing that if it doesn’t work for you I give you your money back. But like you said, you do have to do your part. It’s kind of like joining a gym, right? Joining a gym and if you don’t go work out then you’re not gonna get results. But, definitely what agents like is the fact that it’s all laid out step by step. It’s predecided, makes it easy.
John: Yes.
Alberto Riehl: So, John, well, thanks again, man for joining me and just spending a couple of minutes with me. And I’ll see you on the next call.
John: Okay.

Alberto Riehl: All right. So, guys, this is Alberto Riehl. I’m here with Josh, one of our clients of Predictable Premium, and Josh, thanks for taking the time, man, to spend a couple minutes with me. First question, I wanted to ask, what’s been your favorite thing about Predictable Premium so far?
Josh: I think, for me, is that when you access the program how cookie cutter and step by step, the way you put it. And the support calls really help a lot. Even though we’re not able to ask certain questions during the support call, everyone asks pretty much a lot of questions that help you in general and you don’t [inaudible]. And the fact that you guys are always there to support us is awesome.
Alberto Riehl: Cool. And what’s been your biggest thing you’ve been able to takeaway, what’s your biggest takeaway from the program so far?
Josh: The biggest takeaway, I think, is seeing the results, seeing that it’s real, right, and that people are getting results they need versus if we didn’t have you at all. I think that’s the best part. It’s inspiring.
Alberto Riehl: Cool, yeah a lot of agents have said that, is that you know they found us online, they found us on Facebook and a lot of them said it’s amazing that it’s real, get to see all the results and actually get to talk to the guys that are having the big results when you’re coming in as a new guy and everybody in our community is very helpful, everybody supports each other and helps each other no matter what company they’re in. Which is pretty incredible, you know, you have Northwestern Mutual guys helping Mass Mutual guys, and you have like State Farm guys helping Farmers guys and that just doesn’t happen out in the real world is what they tell me. So it’s pretty cool.
Josh: No.
Alberto Riehl: All right buddy, well thanks a lot for taking a few minutes just to share with us.
Josh: Thank you.
Alberto Riehl: And we’ll be on the call later today.

Alberto Riehl: All right, so guys this Alberto Riehl. I’m here with Jake, he’s in our Predictable Premium program. And Jake, thanks for taking a couple minutes.
Jake: You got it.
Alberto Riehl: Thanks for the time. Let me ask you real quick, what’s your favorite thing about our program so far?
Jake: If I were to say it’s probably that I believe in training, I’ve done a lot of trainings, but to have somebody who’s been there, done that and has really been successful in what they do but also be very candid and as hands on as this program has been, I think it’s powerful. It connects, it bridges the gap between the vision, the ultimate goal, and where we are today. So I think it’s the only program I’ve been as deeply plugged into and it’s awesome.
Alberto Riehl: Awesome, man. Thank you, I appreciate that. And what would you say is your biggest takeaway so far about the program?
Jake: The biggest takeaway, it’s kind of … I don’t mean to rehash, but it really is kind of just that, the action steps, the bullet point items that we have after every lesson, even just reporting back to you. Right now I’m on week number three, and that last bullet point saying, “Get the okay from me before you proceed,” again, it doesn’t just cross off a box, it doesn’t check something off a list, it’s really making sure that we’re digesting and getting everything that is really supposed to be in the program. So I think without that it wouldn’t be near as powerful in our life.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah. It’s a formula from somebody who’s done it before, and I like to, like you said, it works every time if we do it correctly. It’s not one of those for people that might think it’s something kind of easy or magical. Not at all. It definitely takes some work and some discipline. And you’re one of those guys that are flying through it and the quality of the work is great. So great job with that, man. And again, thanks for taking a few minutes with us.
Jake: Yes, sir.
Alberto Riehl: All right, buddy.
Jake: All-

Mr. Incredible: All right. So, welcome everyone. This is Mr. Incredible. I’m here with one of our clients at Predictable Premium, Brian. Brian, thanks a lot, man, for spending a couple of minutes with us to share your experience so far.
I just wanted to ask you, what’s been your favorite thing about Predictable Premium so far?
Brian: Well, I think this industry can get you in the weeds really fast. You can try to do too many things at once and I think whenever you start to spread yourself thin like that, you end up not doing a whole lot at all, so it’s been really nice having a very specific way to do things. The literal title of this program is what really got me engaged.
So, when you’ve got a system that you can follow step by step and the only person you really have to keep accountable is yourself, that’s pretty powerful. That’s the biggest piece is that you gotta help on this journey.
Mr. Incredible: Yeah. Awesome, man. Awesome. Yeah.
Most guys try to do what I used to do and kind of muscle it all on their own, right, with hard work and not a real good precess and one of the things that we provide is a systematic approach and let the process do the heavy lifting for us so we no longer have to do that ourselves, like Mr. Incredible here.
Well, cool, man. And what’s been your biggest takeaway so far?
Brian: I think that own I think all too often. I’ve been in the industry about four years or so, but all too often, we can put a lot of illustrations and complicated numbers in front of our prospects or clients and they don’t relate to that. They are not going to understand that, or at least not the typical one unless you’re dealing with an engineer or an accountant. So, you have to put very simple concepts in front of people that they can actually relate to. Then, I think your convergence is going to grow a lot more, that you can be a more trustworthy person as a result, and I think that goes a long way.
I mean, I used to put pages and pages in front of customers. They just don’t respond to that. You’ve got to put simple concepts that actually work in front of people.
Mr. Incredible: Yeah. Absolutely. That’s one of the things we do is we keep things very simple. Somebody called it, “Insurance for humans,” the other day. We just speak their language, make them feel good, they understand it, they feel smart, we make them feel smart, they like us, they get a certain level of confidence. We all need a certain level of confidence to make a decision. They make a decision and of course the decision is, “Okay. Yeah, Brian. Let’s go ahead and do some business,” and we typically do that in one appointment. So, that’s awesome, man.
Well, I appreciate your time, especially on Halloween and we’ll see you on the call, buddy.
Brian: Sounds good.

Alberto: So guys this is Alberto Riehl here, and I’m here with one of our clients David. One of our clients with Predictable Premium. David thanks for taking a couple minutes man, just to share with us what’s been going on with you. And really, the first question, just wanted to ask, you know, what’s your favorite thing about Predictable Premium so far? Whoa!
David: Wow! I guess just listening to the angle that your going at. In regards to selling on the first appointment, ’cause I’ve been trained for the last few years that you know? It’s a two call close. And I’m trying to figure out how to get that one call close, and you already have it. You have a million dollar presentation and I’ve listened to it a couple times and I’m still listening to it and I’m always learning more and more. But you’re using an LP, you’re using great language, you’re using very persuasive language and it’s really powerful. I can see it’s a whole lot of value in it, so I can tell that those aren’t closing aren’t using your script, so.
Alberto: Yeah.
Alberto: Well, good deal. Yeah, but you saw that the script is very simple. Right? It’s very simple. But there is a lot of science behind it.
David: Right.
Alberto: That makes it very persuasive. But really who was it? Adrianne was talking about how it just kind of gets rid of the objections or road blocks before they come up, and so it’s just a natural process when done right. It just goes straight into filling out an application. So ….
David: Yeah, it makes a lot of sense. It makes a whole lot of sense, man. Just, mean, I just wish I would have found out about it earlier.
Alberto: Cool! Awesome! I’m glad you’re saying that. Well, it’s better late than never. And David what is, what’s been your biggest take-away about the program so far?
David: Well, just learning different scripts, different angles, using basic simple things that have been in front of me for years, and just haven’t really thought about it, so …
Alberto: Yeah, yeah, awesome. Yeah, and again man, we go back to simplicity. Most financial advisors are very quick to want to show their prospects how much they know. And they like to show, you know, talk big words that for the average person they don’t know what is, even a writer. Like, most, the average person doesn’t know what a writer is, I mean for us it’s very basic knowledge, but even that can confuse people. And so we just keep things very simple, by them understanding what we’re talking about for the first time.
Alberto: They end up liking you, the advisor. They feel smart because they understand a concept, you know? Insurance or protection, which they never did before, and it gives them confidence. And we need a certain level of confidence to make decisions and so that’s, that’s what happens in front of us in about 45 minutes so, awesome man. Well thanks for taking a couple minutes with us. And we’ll see ya on the next phone call.
David: Okay.

Alberto Riehl: All right. Guys, this is Alberto Riehl. I’m here with Rafael. Rafael is one of our Predictable Premium clients. Buddy, thanks for taking a few minutes to talk to us here. I was wondering, what’s been your favorite thing about Predictable Premium so far?
Rafael: The Predictable Premium. The most favorite part has been the opportunity to get connected with like-minded individuals. People that are doing better than me, people that are not doing that great, but I’m seeing through the years … It’s been a year that I’ve been part of it. I see a lot of people getting ahead and I see a lot of people getting great results.
Alberto Riehl: Awesome, man. Awesome. Good to hear. Yeah, our community is one thing we don’t really talk about on the front end when we’re talking to a new client or a new prospective client, but it ends up being one of our members’ favorite things. We have people from all over the world now, and then all different companies. Everybody helps each other out and supports each other. That’s pretty cool. I’m glad you saw that and you like that. Rafael, what’s been your biggest takeaway so far?
Rafael: My biggest takeaway is the opportunity to learn all different kinds of angles that I can target my practice. I see people that focus more on final expense. I see people that focus more on high premiums. I see people that focus just on regular. I’ve been an opportunity to expand my horizon. I see that it is more opportunities to make better than I initially thought when I first walked in on this business about a year and a half ago.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah. Awesome, man. Well, cool. Well, thank you for taking a few minutes with us. Then we’ll see you on the next call, bud.
Rafael: Thank you.

Alberto Riehl: Here we go. All right guys, so this is Alberto Riehl and I’m here with David. David is one of our clients with Predictable Premium and actually he’s been with us for a little bit now. And so, he’s getting to be a friend. David, thanks for spending a couple of minutes with us. I just wanted to ask you, what’s been your favorite thing about Predictable Premium so far?
David: Well, I was a new agent when I started with you and I almost left the industry before finding you in February. So, the fact that I’ve been able to turn the page and turn this into my own business now with your guidance, using every step-by-step, is what the real dream was from the beginning was to be self-employed, and I’m making it happen. So, I owe all that to the program and our community. I’ve reached out to a couple of people, and they just keep me going, and it’s great.
Alberto Riehl: Awesome, man. Awesome. Great to hear it. We have the platform. We have the step-by-step system. But at the same time, I wanna give you credit because it still takes some work, and it sill takes some discipline and some willpower. And you gotta get out there and make it happen, so congrats on it, man, for doing that. I’m glad that you have such an amazing story to share now. You have, for many people, it’s just something that never comes to pass, but when you do it right, it’s an amazing opportunity to have where you can create your own hours, and work out of your home if you want to, and be your own boss, and travel, and go to music festivals, right?
David: Right. I don’t have to report to anybody. That’s the goal.
Alberto Riehl: So, yeah, so that’s pretty cool. And what’s been your biggest takeaway about the program so far?
David: Like you said, nobody’s gonna be able to do it for you, you gotta do it yourself. You gotta put in the work. You gotta take it day by day, and it’s not gonna happen in one day. You’re expanding our mindset to think a different way. And that’s really what made it work and click is because I think it was September, last month I did more than I did in my whole career as an agent before that. So, in one month I get a year’s worth of trying. So, I just proved to myself that I could do it and the system works. It just takes effort and nobody else is gonna do it for me, so I just gotta put in the work, and go from there.
Alberto Riehl: Awesome, man. Well, awesome. We do have an amazing community. You kinda touched on that just a little bit and everybody’s not only sharing their wins and inspiring people, but that’s where we go when we struggle. And again, as a business owner, we’re gonna have some ups and downs and everybody helps each other, supports each other, no matter what. One of the cool things that I really liked about your post about last month is that, a lot of people will talk about, “Hey, I did this much, 20,000. I did 30,000.” Whatever it might be, but I love how transparent you were, and you just like, “Hey, check out a picture of my back office. Check out a picture of my submitted business.” That’s pretty cool.
There’s a book called Principles by Ray Dalio and that’s the one thing I took away from it. He has something called radical transparency, and that’s one thing I do with my company, with my employees. I share my numbers with actually even you guys. But with my employees at the beginning of the meeting we’ll share our numbers. I’ll share my screen so they know exactly what’s coming in, we’re having a good month, a good day, bad month. And I think that’s great. It really brings a new level of authenticity.
Speaking of good months, man. Last month, September, what’d you end up with for the month?
David: It ended up with 10 apps and 47,000 in first.
Alberto Riehl: That’s awesome. 47,000. 47,000 in a month, man, that’s a good month. Congratulations, buddy.
David: Thank you. And it’s half of my goal, but it’s still a huge stepping stone. Like I said, I had to reset my 90 day goal, so come December its pretty chunky, but I’m working towards it. It’s gonna happen.
Alberto Riehl: Awesome, buddy. Well, David, again, thanks for spending a couple minutes with us and we’ll see you on the next call, buddy.
David: For sure. No problem.

Sam & Karen
Alberto Riehl: All right. Hey guys, this is Alberto Riehl, I’m here with Sam and Karen, a mother-daughter team that are very successful. Thank you ladies for taking a couple of minutes just to share with us a little bit about your experience. Really, the first question is just what’s been your favorite thing about predictable premium so far?
Speaker 2: I think for me, honestly, just having somebody outside of the two of us to bounce ideas off of, to have conversation about and to really challenge us to figure out where we want to take our business. We have that conversation all the time, but to have it with an unbiased third party who also wants to see us succeed is been really eye-opening because it’s forcing me to think about things that we haven’t really thought about in a while.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah.
Speaker 3: For me, 39 years in the business, you know, I’ve worked with a lot of very successful companies. I’ve tried a bunch of different systems. I’ve been highly, highly successful. But when I listened to your video on Facebook and you were saying predictable, repeatable, duplicatable on and on and on. But getting the qualified individuals to talk with us, that was very attractive to me, and everything that you’ve delivered so far in each of the lessons has been laid out so well that I can’t wait. I mean, I wish I could just push my life aside for the next two weeks, so I could just get through it, get started, get going and be uber successful at this as well. But I just feel very confident that we’re going to be able to knock it out of the park.
Alberto Riehl: Awesome. Cool. Thank you so much. What would you say is your biggest takeaway so far in the program?
Speaker 3: Mostly that I’ve been doing it all wrong, and it’s that I have been so successful.
Speaker 2: That’s actually true.
Speaker 3: It is true. Oh my God, all the things you talk about throwing up stuff that people don’t care about. It’s ridiculous. I just love the strategy behind everything to really get to what’s important with the client. I really believe we’ve been put here to serve others and to help them achieve something that they can’t get on their own. The process that you’ve laid out I think does it in a much better fashion than with all the companies I’ve ever worked for, so I’m really excited.
Alberto Riehl: Awesome. You know one thing that came to mind right now. They call it the four steps of consciousness. There’s people that are born already at the furthest. They call that an unconscious competence. They say people like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs are unconscious competence, meaning unconsciously naturally they do it. And so that’s something that I believe that you have been throughout your life.
You’ve been successful with self-discipline and strong will, but what’s cool is that when the unconscious competence actually figure out like, “Wow, this is what I’ve been doing.” When you can actually identify this is what I’ve been doing, this is where I’m so successful, guess what? Now I can multiply that where I know exactly what the formula is. That’s pretty cool that you identified that.
Ladies again, thank you so much for taking a couple of minutes, and I will see you on …

Speaker 1: We’ll go ahead and start. So guys I’m here with Barry. He’s actually one of our clients that’s been with us for … gosh, how long? Is it almost two years?
Barry: Coming up on two years.
Speaker 1: Wow. He’s grown to be a good friend. He actually spoke at our first ever Predictable Premium Live, which I did not wanna do, as far as the live. I’ve gotten pretty spoiled to do business like this and we kept having members in our community that … actually, a lot had done business with you and you helped them out, just, “I wanna meet Barry face to face, I wanna meet somebody else face to face.” People wanted to meet, okay, let’s get together in Las Vegas. And we did that, had a lot of fun. Barry was one of our speakers, had some great content, very original, very cool, brought music into it and creativity, brought his guitar, rocked the house, right, on the top floor of the MGM Grand. That was pretty cool. Had a great time doing it. So thanks for taking a couple minutes, Barry. What’s been your favorite thing now, man, again, now that you’ve been with us for so long, what’s your favorite thing about the program or what’s been your biggest takeaway?
Barry: Yeah, probably being able to set up automation, generating my leads all through automation. You talked about setting it up once and then having it feed you for years to come. And going through the Facebook content and understanding how all that works with, the details of what it takes to really put that in place, that’s been my number one takeaway. And I love the fact in my world, 99% of my business is virtual, so I’m getting leads from people all across the country. And I’ve been able to do that because of what you taught me in the program with Facebook and automation and just setting up those drip campaigns and making it happen through the content that’s all digital.
Speaker 1: Yeah. That’s awesome, man, that’s awesome. Well cool. It’s great to have you as part of the community. You’re a big asset to the community. A lot of guys look up to you, they go to you for help. And you always put them first, that was a big thing. I trust you with everything. Any time I have somebody asking, raising their hand and say, “Hey, I need some help. Who do I trust? Who will help me?” I’m happy to send them your way and I know you’re gonna do right by them and you keep doing that. So thanks for being such an awesome part of our community. You really are a big asset. In our community we get such great feedback about it, and it’s guys like you that make it that good, that spirit of giving and giving back goes around, it’s contagious. We have guys every day that are like, “This is crazy. I’m a Mass Mutual guy and I had a Northwestern Mutual guy help me the other day. That doesn’t happen in the real world.” And the same thing with a State Farm guy helping a Farmer’s guy, so that’s pretty cool. Thanks for everything you do with us, man.
Barry: Yeah, you’re welcome. You’ve made comments before about that where when you create value for other people, even if you might see it as competition, what does it do? It heightens the game, heightens the game for everyone. And so I believe in that philosophy. I know you believe in that philosophy. And it’s very important I think because we’re living in a world of abundance. There’s too many people out there thinking in scarcity and they’re worried about me, me, me. But I’ve learned in life when you pay it forward, when you create value for other people, competition or not, everyone benefits. And if you see it in that light, it’s just extremely valuable.
Speaker 1: Yeah, absolutely. Well, thanks again, man.
Barry: Yeah. You’re welcome.

Alberto: I’m still trying to work this out. Guys this is Alberto Reihl, I’m here with Jeff, one of our clients with Predictable Premium, and Jeff thank you for taking the time to spend a few minutes with me. I just want to ask you first of all, what’s been your favorite thing so far about Predictable Premium?
Jeff: It’s a way to get in front of people, where every week I’m gonna be able to get in front of people. Where as before in the business, you would have a good week and a bad week, with this program, every week I know I’m gonna be able to get in front of people.
Alberto: Awesome, a little bit more consistent, more predictable. Nice.
Jeff: Absolutely, yep.
Alberto: What’s been your biggest takeaway so far from the program?
Jeff: People are willing to spend a little bit more than what I had been proposing, before doing this program and seeing the value of it. They actually enjoy the education that they get out of it.
Alberto: Awesome, yeah that’s one thing that people are pretty surprised, because most agents when they come to us, they’re always focused on price, and trying to save people money, and they don’t realize that you can actually serve your customer a whole lot better by giving them more protection, which ultimately, of course, is a higher premium, which ultimately is a higher commission, and at the same time they stay on the books a lot longer than the little price competitive, price wars as I call them, because as soon as somebody has a rate drop and your client can save five bucks a month, a lot of times people do that. Most agents unfortunately train their top clients to be loyal to a good deal, instead of being loyal to them, and so as soon as someone offers them a better deal, they’re gone. So, we well more based on value instead of price.
Now we were talking right before, you showed you had a little bit of a success story. Did you want to share what you were talking about, your first few appointments out?
Jeff: Yeah, right off the bat, I was closing a lot of deals. I had actually made back my investment within the first week, and so obviously I didn’t have the presentation to look at yet, but just taking some of the concepts in the first couple weeks, the Rich Dad Poor Dad, and some of the other concepts that are taught, I was able to get a couple of large annuities right off the bat, and that, like I said, paid for the investment, and I was very excited about that.
Alberto: Awesome, I didn’t know that. That’s good. That’s very cool, so thanks.
Well again bud, thanks for taking a few minutes to share your experience with us so far, and we’ll see you on our live calls.

Hey, Alberto. Seth, State Farm. Hey. Just wanted to give a shout-out, let you know that I’m really enjoying the program. Year-to-date, I’ve closed just shy of $20,000 in premium in less than six weeks in the program. Lessons are pretty easy to understand, as well as I enjoy the one-on-one coaching from you as well as the group. Things are going really well. Looking forward to moving forward in the program and all the other suggestions
that you give. Thanks so much.

Charlie and Angie
Mario: Hey guys, Mario Gamboa here with Charlie and Angie. We’re here in Las Vegas at our first Predictable Premium live event. Charlie, Angie, go ahead and tell us a little bit about what you’ve gotten from this weekend and the program.
Charlie: Well, it’s just been an incredible opportunity to meet all the players that are making it happen within the organization. For me, that was probably 90% of the major value I got out of it is networking with these other folks that are making it happen. And of course, Alberto spent a lot of time putting this weekend together, so I was excited to see all of the things that he is now recommending, and the books, and some of the things that he’s … You know, it’s a mind game. 99% of any kind of incurred sales or business is preparing the mind. He’s done an excellent job at helping us to do that. I was actually sharing that with him upstairs. The best I ever made in one month was $27000 in corporate America in sales with Xerox in my very first 60 days.
Charlie: My initial 90 day goal coming in the program early December, and Mario, you helped us get on board, so I shared with you our goals and where we were at. I’ve exceeded our objective. We wanted to make 30000. Have a return investment of six times ROI, and we did better than that. We made a little shy of $30000 by the end of our 90 days, and just following the program 100%. And doing level one, focused on the mailings. And now going into our 90th day and onwards. We’re averaging about $24000, $26000 a month with the 2000 leads we’re mailing out a week. We’re very, very pleased. Now we’re zapping it up to level two. That’s our objective, is to see ourselves work more remotely and more mobile, and being able to do some of the things that are just revolutionary and cutting edge right now coming down the pike. Utilizing some of the technologies with mobile bots and chat boxes and different things to create the content necessary to create the interest online to do it.
Charlie: And the biggest thing is that we get to spend all our time vacationing together. Our second main objective was to buy an RV-
Angie: Travel trailer.
Charlie: And travel trailer and to travel. We had no idea we would do something so quickly, but we’re traveling for this summer for 10 weeks to Alaska from Virginia, and traveling all over the country. So, just a tremendous blessing to be able to do that. Having to put off our kitchen, now that was a thing. That’s not as important as the …
Mario: Right. Well I want to tell you it’s been a pleasure having you a part of the group. We really value everything you bring to the group. It’s been great having you guys here this weekend. We look forward to continuing on this journey together.
Charlie: Absolutely.
Mario: So, thank you guys.
Angie: Thank you.
Charlie: You’re welcome, Mario.
Mario: All right.
Charlie: Thank you for bringing us onboard.
Mario: Absolutely.

Alberto Riehl: Now, we also have Phil. Do we want to show Phil real quick?
Phil: Hello.
Alberto Riehl: Hey, Phil. I’m here with Phil now. This is Alberto again. This is Phil, and Phil thank you for taking a couple of minutes to just share with us. What’s been your favorite thing about Predictable Premium so far?
Phil: I think I’d be like Darren in that it’s the structure, that it’s your … I’ve been in the insurance business for 20 plus years, and it’s usually, here’s a product, go get em.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah.
Phil: The insurance business is famous for that. Hey, we got this great new product. Here’s all the bells and whistles. Go get em, tiger. Go sell that. And there’s no structural process to that, and you’re purely just peddling a product where this is a process and a structure, and like Darren said, we’re following along with it and I know it works because I literally had a couple of conversations with rich man, rich dad, poor dad, and just in the conversation in it of using it to make sales. I wasn’t even doing the whole script Alberto.
Alberto Riehl: Right.
Phil: I was just using ideas from the book.
Alberto Riehl: That’s right. Actually when I was thinking about that. You used some of the concepts that we teach and you ended up getting a pretty decent sized annuity didn’t you?
Phil: Yeah. It was a conversation about the book with a client, ended up he stroked a check for 500,000.
Alberto Riehl: Nice.
Phil Aldrich: Then came back about three days, no, about a week later and stroked another check for about 200,000.
Alberto Riehl: Nice. Seven hundred grand.
Phil: And then I ended up actually using it on a couple of life situations. Again didn’t even get through the whole script. It was more of a conversation about the book. So I’m excited about what lays ahead in the program.
Alberto Riehl: Nice. Nice. Yeah, I look forward to witnessing more and more results from you guys so again guys, Phil here. Alberto Riehl. Thanks for taking the time. Appreciate it.
Phil: You’re welcome.
Alberto Riehl: All right guys.

Alberto Riehl: All right, so guys, this is Alberto Riehl, I’m here with Tommy, one of our clients. Been with us for a little bit now with Predictable Premium and actually has gotten some great results. He’s a great student and always follows direction, I think that’s why, he puts in the work. Tommy thanks for taking the time to do this, if you want to share maybe your favorite thing about Predictable Premium so far.
Tommy: The support probably is in my top two. Knowing that I can get on with any questions as much as I need to and get the answers and feedback into as nitty gritty a details as necessary but probably more important to me than that what I found is a huge benefit to the program is, the way my mind works, I like to know the ins and out, a little behind everything and having the system laid out where there’s not a question. It’s do this, do exactly this, rinse and repeat and keep improving and you will keep seeing improving results. That’s to me probably the biggest thing, having confidence in that and the support that goes along with it.
Alberto Riehl: Awesome, good deal. And what’s been your biggest take-away so far do you think?
Tommy: Has to be mindset. Mindset and the underlying tone that influences everything in your life behind that.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah, awesome man, good deal. Any results you’d like to share?
Tommy: I will tell you, I consider my, I’m only running a Saturday/Sunday condensed appointments predominantly. That’s been my main focus with the program. My first weekend of doing that, I almost consider a half weekend because I didn’t really have good lead flow going yet but in the past month, what I would call three weeks, I guess. Doing over $20,000 in premium with companies I had no real knowledge or experience with, so sort of did a crash course in their policies and having predictable, consistent, simple and easy results. I mean that’s really been huge.
Alberto Riehl: Awesome man, thanks for sharing, that’s awesome. So yeah, awesome. Thank you for your time again and I think that’s going probably inspire a lot of people that might be checking it out, checking out our program. We have thousands of people now checking us out every single day actually, so it’s pretty cool. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for everything you do too because one thing that you’ve done is in our community you support a lot of people, you answer a lot of questions. We really appreciate that. It’s guys like you that really make the culture in there really nice. You know we have a lot of people that when they get in there they’re amazed at the fact that like it doesn’t matter who you’re with, people help each other, support each other, and you’re one of those guys that has now been there for a little while and I remember you when you first got started and you did have questions about everything, little details. So now that you’re saying, “Yeah that’s fine,” how my brain works, yeah I remember those days.
So I’m glad that we were able to get all that answered for you and like you said, if you just follow the process it works every time. So thanks man, appreciate it.

Alberto Riehl: All right guys, I’m here, Alberto Riehl. I’m here with one of our clients and students and becoming a good friend, Adrian. And Adrian … This wasn’t rehearsed, right? But, Adrian, do you mid sharing with us maybe, you know, what your favorite thing about the program is, maybe any results that you’ve gotten so far and … Yeah, whatever you feel your comfortable with.
Adrian: Thanks Alberto, appreciate you having me here. I love the program. Obviously with all the stuff that’s out there on the internet and stuff that shows up in your newsfeed, I mean there’s a healthy amount of skepticism with anything. I just really appreciate that from the beginning everyone has been really up front and has been very direct.
The coaching calls and everything have really helped out, and just by following what you teach and getting the responses the way you teach them and following the appointments the way you teach to, I’m shocked at how fast I’m sitting down with people and I’m literally taking an app with personal information within 25 minutes of meeting these people a lot of times.
The biggest thing I’ve had to fight is my own subconscious thinking do I ask them if they want to do it now or … What we’re used to from doing appointments is you’re used to that resistance, and there’s very little resistance. It just naturally moves people through it and it almost feels like … I know I left you a message the other day, it almost feels like it shouldn’t work this easily, and that’s really just a testament to what most of us are used to doing in this business and what you teach us to do.
I just … I’m really grateful man. I think it’s fantastic. I don’t have my stats in front of me right now. I’ve had eight … I think I’ve booked 10 appointments. I’ve had two or three that canceled or rescheduled. I’ve got in front of eight people, so I’ve actually sat down where I got to talk.
One guy was really rude. The other seven I got apps from from my first appointment, and off the top of my head I think it’s about … You know, assuming everything goes through with medical stuff, which I think I may have a couple hiccups, but I’ve got about 40,000 in premiums so far. It’s pretty amazing.
Alberto Riehl: Wow. I didn’t know that. That’s awesome, 40,000 on seven appointments, and all done in less than an hour. That’s pretty cool man. Congrats.
Adrian: It’s been awesome. I had one appointment that did take about an hour and a half because the lady told me her life story for 47 minutes and I just … She had a clock behind her. I just kind of watched it thinking about when do I need to interrupt her so I can get to my next appointment.
I love it man. I genuinely like people. It’s fun to hear some of their stories and kind of see their excitement about the education that we give them. Yeah. I’m onboard, man. I love the program and I appreciate you and what you’re teaching.
Alberto Riehl: Awesome buddy. Thank you for that testimonial. You do all the work, right? What’s one thing about you is that you’ve been such a great student. You’re on the calls every week asking about direction. You’re out there doing it. You’re getting dirty, and you don’t waste anytime, you know. You did it, so it’s an amazing story, and glad to have you as part of our community, and congrats again, man. You did all the work, you know, so that’s awesome, awesome.
Adrian: Thanks Alberto. I really appreciate it.
Alberto Riehl: Cool buddy. All right man, so basically anything you want-

Hey guys, Alberto. I’m here with Humbert, one of our members. Actually, been with us for a
while now, huh?
A year.
Couple years? Yeah, you went to our last event. In the last couple days, we did something
crazy, something that has never been done before. There’s people out there taking eight weeks
to go automated, build funnels, set up automation, custom track … Everything. Some people are
doing it in 30 days. We decided to do it in two days, and then spend the third day out here on
this beautiful 80 foot yacht, and it was pretty cool to go late until last night, making sure
everybody was up and going, and then early this morning, already, people were getting leads
coming back. People were going to their pages, and people were even getting appointments
already scheduled 100% automated.
Humbert, what do you think about the whole thing that we did over the last two days?
I think it was awesome. We worked hard, so now we’re playing hard. It was worth every minute
of it. I was really intimidated at first, I’m not a real techy guy, so to do level two in a couple of
days was a pretty daunting task, but we were up to the challenge, and with Alberto’s wonderful
staff, we were able to do it. This morning, I woke up, already had four leads land on my page.
Awesome, man. Awesome.
Yeah, congrats on that. Self-generated, guys. Four leads in the first few hours. Imagine never
having to buy another lead again, never have to bug friends and family again, and if you’re
intimidated like most people, scared of technology, say, “I’m not a techie,” you just need the right
people. The right people, two days, and we’ll get everything done.
Thanks, man.
All right.
We’ll see you on the next call.
Thank you

Hey guys Alberto Riehl here and I’m here with Bill, one of our clients, one of our members withPredictable Premium. We spent the last two days together going live, getting 100% automatedfor all our agents that came here on this awesome trip that nobody ever done before. Somethingthat people are taking 30 days to do, is the fastest I’ve seen, we did it in two days. We definitelyran into some challenges, but at the end of the day we pushed through, I think we went to threein the morning, something like that. It was pretty cool. But Bill, what was your experience orwhat was your favorite thing about the last couple of days we spent together?
I think my favorite thing would just spend the new software that was introduced. Really easy touse, a lot better than unbalanced and few of the other things that we used in the past. Verygood.
Awesome man. Awesome. Appreciate it. And what do you think about the way that we designedit as far as putting it up on the screen, having staff members come around. When everybody gotstuck and asking questions, could just kind of hold your hand through the process. Was thathelpful?
Yes, it definitely was helpful. Everybody was a very helpful, Israel really knows what he’s doingand kudos to him especially.
Yeah. You consider yourself a techie guy.
Ah, not really.
Yeah. So you’re able to get it done, Huh?
Yeah. Yup. For sure. For sure.
Good deal, man. Anything else? Maybe your favorite thing? I don’t know? Yesterday going live,pushing through doing it all together
Yeah, that you know that was a very long day. Haven’t pulled a 16 hour day in quite a long time.
So that was probably the most challenging, but I’m glad it’s done and it works.
Yeah. Awesome man. Yeah, we took everybody live. Great success. Took a little perseverancethere at the end, but got it done, man. I appreciate it. Thanks for your time. We’ll see you on thenext call.
Yes, thank you.

Hey guys, Alberto. I’m here with one of our members Rafael in the Caribbean. We’ve spent thelast two days in the Presidential Suite at the Grand Hyatt. We did something we’ve never donebefore. We took a bunch of agents and advisors with absolutely no online presence, and wepromised them that in two days, we would take them 100% virtual and 100% automated. Therewas a lot of stuff that we could not think about as far as problems coming up that we just had todeal with right in the moment, but at the end of the day, we pushed through, made it happen.
Stayed up until what 3:00 in the morning last night?
3:00 in the morning.
Making it happen. And Rafael, what was your experience in the last two days?
My experience is it looks difficult to get it done, but when you have the right coaching and thepeople that know how to do it, they make it very easy. You still have to apply yourself. This is mysecond Predictable Premium, and I would advise everybody to come back to the third one, thefourth one, and the fifth one if it’s needed.
Awesome, man, awesome. Well, I appreciate your kind words.
Thank you for the support, and the help, and especially the inside knowledge, the edge. That’swhat I was looking for an edge.
Absolutely, man. Yeah, a lot of people are afraid of technology. They’re intimidated. But whenyou have somebody that’s doing it every day spending over 100,000 a month on Facebookadvertising walking you through, makes it a little bit easier, huh?
Absolutely. Yes, I was living proof of that. We find the big hiccups. I mean nobody knew how tofigure it out, but we came through.
Yeah, got it figured out. 3:00 in the morning launch got live.
Two hours later. Yeah.
Yep, and just this morning people, agents are already getting leads. People are already bookingappointments, so everything is going great. We’ll see you guys on the next call. Thanks, Rafael.
Thank you. Thank you all

Hey guys, it’s Alberto Riehl here, and I’m with Michael, one of our members. Michael was withus the last two days as we took a bunch of agents and insurance advisors with no internetpresence, we took them through our process and in two days they became 100% automated,went 100% virtual. We started getting results right away this morning with leads beinggenerated, appointments being booked, and Michael, what’s your experience over the lastcouple of days?
Well, the experience is a couple of things. One, it’s something that I had no interest inwhatsoever, but you’re scared of it because it’s way more complicated than it actually looks, andwhen people take the time to invest in you and walk you through it, that’s the most valuablething. Good people, just the time that I got to spend together, which was a lot of time in a smallroom, that space together, but it was tons of fun. Worked every minute of it, and actually todaywas a great day to hang out here in a beautiful place and spend the day doing some fun stuff,but really the value came from the passion that Alberto puts out, and he pours into his people.
He believes in everything he says, he tries, and tries, and tries to perfect it before he rolls it out,so what we get is an end product that’s already been tried, true, and tested, and I’m reallylooking forward to when my plane lands back home to be set up.
Yeah, awesome, man. It’s nice when you have some staff members who are experts holdingyour hand through the process, right? Asking questions. For a lot of people they take it on theirown, try to do it on their own. “I’m going to save some money, I can maybe Google this stuffonline.” And they go for a little bit and then end up giving up and not doing anything. So, if youhave ever thought about something like this, all you need is two days with the right people,right?
Gets you up and going. Thanks man, we’ll see you on the next call.
Thank you

Hey, guys. Alberto Riehl here and I’m here with Scott. Scott came to our two-day where we takeagents that have no internet presence, take them online, 100% automated. And we’re justgetting back. We all went on this awesome 80-foot yacht. You can hear people in thebackground here.
We’re about to head out, we’re a little tired from the rest of the day. This is all agents right here.
But anyway, one of the cool things about Scott, is Scott is the guy that came here, flew from thefurthest place. All the way from New Zealand. How long did it take you to get here?
Total traveling time was about 30 hours.
30 hours. Was it worth it?
Awesome, awesome. So tell us about what you experienced the last couple days with us.
Well, it’s just been run like clock work, I think, which is one of the things that impressed the mostout of me. Also, the staff and the whole team have just been unbelievably good. Really, reallyslick operation. I got to say, congratulations for that.
Thank you.
But in particular, the team. They all were really well skilled in everything that they were doing.
Really supportive and they seemed to have the patience of a saint.
Yeah. Are you saying you’re not a techy guy?
I’m pretty much not a techy guy in the slightest.
Awesome, man. So you think you could have done it without them kind of holding your handthrough the process?
Oh my God. No. I got to say, my assumption of taking the business online and building funnelswas so different.
This was such a complicated process and how anybody worked it out in the first place I have noidea.
But, man, the operation was slick. Really good.
Yeah. Awesome, bud. Well, I appreciate it. Glad you made it all the way from New Zealand.
Me too.
Got you going live, and getting results already. We just had another member that just bookedanother appointment, got a couple more leads. And so, Scott, thanks again, man. We’ll see youon the next call.
Sweet. You will

Hey, guys. Alberto. I’m sitting here with Carl Elkins, one of the members of our group. Carljoined us just a couple of days ago. And the last two days we were able to take everybody 100%virtual and automated. Carl, what did you think of the last two days man?
Man, it was unbelievable experience. We just got out here to Mexico and really settled in. Honein on my business. And, I couldn’t believe we actually got it done. I know absolutely nothingabout running Facebook ads or, just getting my business online. But you guys did a great job.
Yeah. Absolutely guys. It’s kinda hard to do it out there on your own. We had ups and downs.
And we had walls that we hit last night. We have a full-time IT guy, we have myself, that havebeen doing it successfully for quite sometime. But, you never know what’s going to come up.
So, I’m sure you are out there, you’ve tried a few things, you’ve given up on yourself. Just twodays is all you need with the right support, the right people. We’ll make it happen. Right?
Yeah. Absolutely man. I’m telling you. I would not recommend anything else. If you are an agentout there, trying to get your business off the ground, running, and you want clients on demand.
Gotta hit up my man Alberto.
Awesome buddy. Appreciate you. And we’ll see you on the next call.
Yes sir.

Hey, guys. Alberto. I’m here with Robert. Robert is one of our predictable premium clients. It’sthe last day, we’re at the eighty foot yacht that we got for everybody. Rob, just wanted to askman, what’s been your favorite thing in the last twenty-four to forty-eight hours?
All the knowledge, the knowledge that we’ve been learning is just priceless knowledge. It’s a lot,literally my brain felt like it was going to explode, it’s so much man. They helped, they’ve for us,they’ve been fantastic. Walking us through every step, guiding us through every step, I mean,just incredible.
Awesome, man. Did you do anything? Did you have your ads going, and tracking, and adsmanager?
Yeah, no. Speaking about it like that, no, I had no clue the amount work honestly that I wasinvolved in. And it is a lot of work but now that it’s all been automated. I mean, it’s just going tobe easy to tweak or touch up and all that other good stuff, so. But yeah, I mean it’s just been anamazing … amazing place, amazing location, amazing people. The company has beenawesome been fantastic so I mean, very blessed to be here. And thank you for the invitation.
Awesome, buddy. Well great to have you, and we’ll see you on the nextAll right, thank you

Hey guys, Alberto Riehl here and I’m here with Josh. Josh has been hanging out with us for thelast couple of days here. Just getting back from our yacht. We’ve been out there all day long.
We took a bunch of agents and advisors that we’re not doing any business online and in twodays, we went from scratch. I mean some people had to get emails for the first time, buydomains, I mean everything and just a few hours after going live, we’re already collecting leads,getting appointments. We just had another report. Another gentleman just pulled Luke just gotanother fully automated appointment. But Josh, what’s your favorite thing man about the lastcouple of days?
For me it was the seeing everyone from all around the world, all around the country cometogether and being part of Alberto’s team. He’s very generous, they’re very kind, very patient. Soyeah, I suggest you guys try it out. Predictable premium baby.
Yeah, people keep saying about the team being patient, kind of holding your hand through thewhole process. Huh? Step by step. You think you could’ve done it without them?
No way? No way.
Yeah. Awesome man. Awesome. Awesome. You think, are you a techy?
Not really. No. I know enough just to get by, but I wouldn’t consider myself asA little intimidated, like most agents probably.
Well, I appreciate the kind words. Thank you for your time. I’m glad you came and we’ll see onthe call side.
All right.

Hey, guys. Alberto here, and I’m here with one of our members. This is Lloyd, predictablepremium, and we just finished two days of bringing everybody online. And man, I’m so proud ofLloyd here. Flew in, he is 74 years young. Most people might be intimidated by technology, butwith our staff members here, very knowledgeable, they were able to help Lloyd every step of theway.
And tell me, Lloyd, how that worked out for you.
Well, it was really hard for me. I’ve been on computers for a long time, but still there’s just somuch to learn. Especially, it just keeps advancing and advancing and advancing, and thenumber of websites that we have to navigate through was incredible. And the system that atAlberto’s doing right now, been getting us on Facebook and bringing it was a lot of steps to it.
And it was so helpful for the staff to help me do it.
Kevin, as you know, andVisarThey were with you, just helping you every step of the way, holding yourThey took turns to make sure that I got up to speed.
Make sure you kept up, huh?
Yeah, and got my ads postedAwesome.
And we did it perfect.
Yep, got everything approved, got results coming in. Awesome, buddy.
We even … we got our domain name and registered for our domainEverything from scratch, guysFrom total zero.
Yeah, we started from zero, and today he is live two days later. Getting results, getting leadscoming in. So, if you have any excuses, “I’m too young, too old, I’m not a techy guy,” man,here’s some more proof that anybody can do it when you have an expert just helping you,holding your hand through the process.
Thanks, Lloyd, and we’ll see you on the next call.
I’m going to be at the next Premium Live.

So guys, Alberto here. We’re sitting on the captain’s chairs right? Right on the very top of theboat here. You can see our view. Pretty nice. Look at that water. I’m here with Dan, one of ourclients with Predictable Premium. We’re on the third and last day of Predictable Premium Live.
We brought in a bunch of agents and advisors to get them automated, get them virtual. Dan wasone of them. So Dan, what did you experience here the last couple of days? What was yourfavorite thing?
Just the, not only the knowledge, but even stronger than was the execution and just your, prettymuch, bleeding out all of your knowledge on and without you, knowing what I do, I’m anengineer by trade, and automation, having all these, everything lined up, it was pretty muchwhat I expected and I loved it because that’s my background. I just love how your classes weregoing, where we can just literally get it done now. I think my biggest takeaway was your fortitudeto just keep going and we’re going to get it done and I would say we’re going to get it done.
Yeah. Yeah. This was never done before so we guesstimated, we practiced and I said here’s ouragenda guys. We’re going to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Last night we got done alittle bit past three in the morning.
And then this morning we’re meeting up again here to get on the yacht. Everybody pushedthrough. Everybody was excited about it. Every time that little red light turned green we allcelebrated together and we got everybody up and going so it was pretty cool.
Yeah. There’s no other feeling to find out someone who’s doing what you want to do. I meanlook at the lifestyle we have here. I mean when I saw Alberto I said that’s what I want to do. Sojust find somebody and copy that. That’s what Alberto has.
Awesome buddy. Great to have you on and we’ll see you on the next member call

Hey guys, Alberto here and I’m just hanging with Shelby. Shelby was actually the very first guy to get results early this morning.
We spent the last two days taking a bunch of leaders and advisors with absolutely no internet presence. To confirm, zero. To setting up everything on virtual.
Went to bed at just past 3:00 on the morning last night, we just kept going kept running into challenges but it was a great time for our staff there helping everybody out.
We went to bed after 3:oo am and what time did you wake up, man?
7. So, four hours later and what did you wake up to?
I woke up to a booked appointment. Already on my Gmail account.
Did you call anybody?
I called nobody.
Did you have to talk to anybody?
I was asleep as a matter a fact.
Did you have to case anybody?
I didn’t even have to dream about anybody.
Did you have to bug friends and family over it?
I did not.
So, all you did as go to sleep, you woke up and you had leads and a fully booked automated appointment on your calendar?
That’s right.
Pretty amazing, man. Pretty mazing.Thats pretty cool. So, you’re the first guy to get an appointment early this morning with absolutely nothing. 100% automated.
So, anything else did you learn in the last couple of days?
This much.
This much, yeah. We do go over a lot of stuff, yes.
I learned a lot.
Awesome. Well, congrats, man, on getting the very first appointment. And we’ll see you on the calls.
I appreciate it.
All right

Hey, guys. Alberto Riehl here. I’m here with Luke. Luke is one of our members in Predictable Premium. We just had a Predictable Premium live event. We do it once a year. It’s something that we end up loving to do. But it is a lot of work. I say that because we’ve gotten pretty spoiled working our business virtually automated. Just came back from the beach. This is usually how I work my business. But we just had a great live event and we were able to get people’s results.
We took people and in two days, people, agents, that were not having … weren’t doing any business online, and in two days, I mean, we created everything for them together. We had guys … Gosh, a 74-year-old, Lloyd, who we had to create an email for, I mean, from scratch, everything. Within hours, they started booking leads, life insurance leads. Four hours into it, Shelby got the first appointment. He’ll always be known as the first appointment.
Then, we did a great yacht ride. I rented a 80-foot yacht. We hung out on Sunday. We worked Friday, Saturday to get it going, right? So 3:00 in the morning, stayed up till … made it happen.
Then, the next day, we went on a 80-foot yacht ride to show people you can be hanging out at the beach, on a yacht, and you don’t have to be smiling and dialing, the old ways of doing things. Luke here was with us with his wife. Wife wasn’t feeling so good. Did the right thing, definitely, and took care of her. So we missed you on the yacht ride. It was a lot of fun. Luke was just sharing with me some awesome results that I didn’t even know about. My coolest post that I’ve gotten is this one you did on Memorial Day-
… that has something to the effect of … Oh, I have it right here. Another appointment booked, fully automated, on Memorial Day while I sit in my pajamas, eating pancakes with my kids.
Unreal. Thanks a million.
What was your feeling when that happened?
Oh, amazing. I mean, that’s what we all aspire to, is to not have to go anywhere, have appointments automated, booked. You can set your schedule how you want and do business from wherever you want in the world, in whatever clothes you want to be wearing. It’s just the best feeling in the world, business-wise.
Yeah. I mean, this is brand new. Luke just went live on a Saturday. That’s about a week ago.
Today, you’re saying you booked how many appointments today, automated?
10 so far, and got-
10 so far. Yeah.
… my first appointment today over the phone, all virtual. It was an automated appointment, booked. The guy scheduled his exam for Tuesday at 9:00 AM. It’s looking like to be about a 5 to $6,000 annual premium.
Five to six grand.
Take it.
How many phone calls?
One phone call, 28 minutes.
Does the appointment, 28 minutes on the phone.
Now, did you have to chase this guy at all?
Nope. Nope.
Were you cold calling? Were you networking? Were you bugging friends and family for this business?
No, sir. No, sir.
100% automated, man. Awesome. That’s your first sale from the program, five, six grand. Man, that pays for the entire program there. So awesome job, man. Hey, anything else you want to share with us as far as your experience with what you’re doing now, with a virtual business that you did in a couple of days?
Well, I guess my business was headed that way, anyway. We’ve been doing business virtually for the last 10 to 12 years. But, for me, the program has given me my own lead system so I don’t have to buy leads with not knowing what I’m going to get with those other companies. I know exactly what I’m getting. I know that the system is chasing the people for me, rather than me chasing them, which is the hugest part of it. So I just can’t thank you enough and I’m so stoked.
It’s just amazing that we’ve been live for 11 days and I’ve gotten 10 appointments. That’s almost an appointment in a day, in a day for … Since we’re live. We’re still, obviously, tweaking every hour, just a littleJust started, I mean, 10 days ago. It’s baby stage, you know?
Oh, yeah.
Baby stage. So that’s awesome, man. Well, congratulations on your success. That’s awesome that you got your first sale today.
Thank you.
Pretty cool to get to talk to you. First thing you told me, “I got my first sale with the system.
Sweet.” Awesome, man. Well, congratulations. We’ll talk to you on the call.
Sounds good. Thank you, sir

Sam: Hey everyone, Sam here. Today I have Alberto Riehl on with us. Alberto has got an awesome story. He started working with me in 2016, about two years ago. He joined Up Level Consulting, and at that point he was making around $12,000 per month in the life insurance niche. When he joined Up Level Consulting, he really learned how to turn a service into a program, and a scalable product that can help life insurance agents. What Alberto does is he helps life insurance agents really get more productive, implement systems, and take their businesses to the next level.
When he first joined in ’16, he was making $12,000 a month, unpredictably. Within two years, now, he’s making $290,000 a month, predictably. That’s quite the jump. In today’s interview, we’re going to discuss how that happened. So thanks for jumping on with me.
Alberto Riehl: Sure, thanks for having me.
Sam: Let’s talk about 2016. What was going on then for you?
Alberto Riehl: I was, as you said, I was doing about 12 grand a month, that’s average. Some months I would have a good month, do 18, another month I would go down and do 6. The biggest thing for me, Sam, is that, I’m a father of three now. A couple years ago I had two kids, we just had our third one about a year ago. We had two kids, one four, the other one three years old, and I was leaving the house before they woke up in the morning, driving an hour, hour and a half to an appointment, spending all day there, and then getting home after they were put to sleep. That was a big thing for me, I got to a point I got desperate enough, I really wanted to quit doing that.
Sam: What were you doing?
Alberto Riehl: I was driving the appointments, helping business owners in the insurance niche. Consulting. I was doing one on one consulting, and that’s another thing. I got to the point where I was doing okay, six figures, comfortably into six figures, but every time I added a new client, I had to work more. If I wanted to work more, I had to add another client, which meant one on one consulting, another hour per week. I saw that, I kind of saw the writing on the wall. I was already working harder than I wanted to, and in order to scale my business, I was going to have to invest more hours into it. I wanted to find a way to be able to scale it without having to put more hours into it.
Sam: How did you end up in that position? Were you a life insurance agent yourself, and then you decided to start consulting them one on one, in person? How did that happen?
Alberto Riehl: Yeah, I was. I’ve been in the insurance business most of my life. Started with health insurance at 20 years old, pretty young. Went up through there. At about 30, I got into life insurance, and did pretty well. Like any sort of industry that’s sales driven, as my numbers started going up, I started getting a little bit of recognition and insurance companies would ask me to do trainings for them. Usually on the phone, conferences with a few hundred agents around the country. They had these trips for their top producers, I qualified for that. They’d have me go on stage and talk about what I was doing, life insurance-wise. That was kind of a natural progression. I really started enjoying helping other agents and seeing their results, a lot more than having my own results. I always had in the back of my mind, man, it would be really cool if I could just focus 100% of my time on what I’d like to do, and that’s helping other agents get to the next level of their business.
Sam: And that’s what you actually started doing. At a certain point, you stopped being an agent and you started being an advisor to agents. Through the one on one and in the flesh model.
Alberto Riehl: Exactly. If you want to get a little bit deeper into that, these insurance companies have dream team of attorneys. When you decide to leave, most of them have a two year non-compete, non-disclosure and you really don’t want to go fight against a 400 billion dollar insurance company. So for the first two years, I did it with business owners. I had a friend who was an attorney, I had another buddy who was a dentist, and I thought, I wonder if I can help them get their business up with what I’ve been helping insurance guys. I kind of just waited the two years out with a couple different types of business owners, and as soon as that ended is when I dove head first into helping life insurance people. Just a little bit after that is when I found you and joined with you, and so it gave me the avenue, strategy, to be able to really scale that.
Sam: I get it. So as soon as you stopped being an agent, you didn’t want to start teaching agents, because a lot of those agents would be from other companies and they might think you were sharing trade secrets with them.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah.
Sam: I get that. That’s interesting. And then, so you started helping the insurance agents, and done for you, one on one. What was their problem? What’s the big problem for these people?
Alberto Riehl: The number one problem for them is getting qualified people in front of them. There’s a huge need for it. 85% of agents are out in the first year because they start out talking to their friends and family. That’s what they all teach, make a list of your friends and family. But once they’re out of that, then they’re in trouble. The number one problem is getting qualified people in front of them that are actually asking for the products that they’re offering.
Sam: Why is that a problem?
Alberto Riehl: Because it’s a little antiquated. I’ve done a lot of videos, I’ve said … dinosaurs. They’re doing things they way they did 100 years ago when these insurance companies started, which is back then, all there was was word of mouth. That’s what they’re still teaching their guys to do is make a list, they call it a Power 200. It’s basically your friends, family members, and then just go out and start bugging them. I’ve had agents even tell me that they’ve lost relationships with cousins or uncles because during Thanksgiving, here comes the agent. Thanksgiving dinner and he’s trying to sell him life insurance, and they’re like, “No, dude. We don’t want to buy life insurance.” That’s a big problem.
It works very well for the insurance companies. For the insurance companies, they have a model where they recruit new agents, new blood, all the time. Now that gives them access to their warm market, and again, 85% are out in the first year. They starve or get fired. But then that warm market keeps paying their insurance premiums. Now they don’t have to pay anybody commission, so the insurance companies do very well doing that. But for the agent, the numbers are stacked against them.
Sam: Got it. So if a struggling agent actually builds up a few insurance contracts, if they get fired or quit, then they no longer are receiving those commissions.
Alberto Riehl: Exactly.
Sam: So that’s kind of advantageous for … yeah. You can see why it still exists, then.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah. Through being in the industry, I got the opportunity to rub elbows with the presidents of companies, the CEOs of companies, after a few glasses of wine there, they start telling you about how wonderful the model is for the company, and how the commissions that is their biggest expense in the first year, especially, that expense gets knocked out because now the company gets to keep everything. It’s a good model for them, but for the agent it doesn’t work very well.
Sam: Got it. Why did you choose to do life insurance in the first place? You must have some sort of attraction to it if you’ve done it your whole life and love teaching and all of this.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah, it was … I think, like anybody else, I wanted it to be something different, a different niche. Meaning something sexier, something cooler. I don’t think anybody grows up as a kid and says, I want to be a life insurance agent, or I want to help life insurance agents. But I think at the end of the day, it’s something that’s quite personal for me. My dad passed away when I was 9 years old. He didn’t have the proper planning in place. I personally saw first hand how a family can be just devastated without the proper planning in place. Today, it’s … man, my voice trembles a little bit. It’s more than a job, it’s like a mission, where I really want people to be trained properly and offer the protection properly, putting the client’s needs first to make sure that other families, other kids, don’t have to go through what I went through as a kid.
Sam: That makes total sense. You can see why … ’cause you’d have to have some reason why to have that much drive. Otherwise, just helping life insurance agents, it seems like why would you be passionate about that? It’s always something like that, when someone does something well. That’s interesting.
So in 2016, you’re helping agents get calls and get business in the done for you, one on one setting, and your income’s in between 12, 6, 18, it’s kind of going up and down between there. You’re commuting and doing all of this and you don’t like it. How did you come across me?
Alberto Riehl: It had to be a Facebook ad. I don’t remember now, it’s been a couple years. But yeah, I’m sure it was a Facebook ad that talked about having a system in place to get qualified people. I remember there was something I didn’t act on right away. I did see something about a message, it seemed interesting. I hate when a prospect or somebody says, ooh, that’s interesting. But I think that with time, as you have maybe cancellations, or you drive and hour, hour and a half to that appointment, and you find a note on the door saying, “Sorry, Mr. Insurance Man, but had to run and go do something,” you finally just get desperate enough, the pain is big enough that you’re like, okay, there has to be something out there. I’m willing to do something about it. That’s where I was at, I think.
Sam: Got it. I remember, I had a strategy session call with you, didn’t I?
Alberto Riehl: Yes.
Sam: ‘Cause in ’16, I remember, I was still doing strategy session calls. How did that go?
Alberto Riehl: Are you going to edit this stuff out?
Sam: No.
Alberto Riehl: I really thought … I didn’t know who you were. I thought it was some dude on the other phone who was throwing some huge numbers at me that just weren’t achievable. You’re saying that you’re doing … it’s funny, because you were telling me that you were doing numbers that I’m doing today. You were telling me, “Yeah, I did 300,000 last month.” It’s amazing how much my mindset … it’s all mindset. My paradigm has shifted, has grown, because back then, those numbers were so big. I thought, no way. Nobody’s doing that. He’s a scammer. There’s no way. Nobody’s doing that. And today, I’m doing that. So it’s definitely possible. I just wasn’t in a place, ready to hear it. I was looking for reasons, I was looking for inconsistencies, I was looking for reasons why there was no way you were doing 300,000 a month. Your presentation kind of confused me. Coming from sales background, teaching agents how to do things that are differently, definitely didn’t have a lot of silence involved, I just thought, there’s something off here. He’s telling me these numbers, but he’s … is he still on the phone, what’s going on here? I actually said, it was a BS excuse, I said I’m going to think about it or something, we all know that’s a BS excuse. I didn’t get started.
I then got started, I remember it was almost six months later where that desperation, where things were going okay. Okay, I made another 15 grand this month, bills are getting paid, it’s okay. And then you just stayed in front me, you stayed in front of me, you stayed in front of me through retargeting and emails every once in a while. Finally I sent an email back that said, “Okay, I’m ready to get started.” At that point, you weren’t taking phone calls anymore. I remember, I talked to Jessie, and then I ended up getting started with Jessie.
Sam: What changed? You thought I was lying and being weird and silent. So then how did you change your mind on that?
Alberto Riehl: I think it’s just a matter of, when we keep seeing the name, and we keep seeing the same pictures, and you keep seeing it for six months and you figure, okay, this is not a fly by night guy. He’s still around, six months later. He’s still talking about these big numbers. I think that everybody, every time you get in front of somebody, it builds credibility some, and that’s what happened. I think it was a combination of I had to personally get myself there, again, ’cause it’s a mindset thing. Today I would believe it instantly. 300,000 a month, a million a month, whatever it is. I get it, I believe it now. Back then, I wasn’t there yet. It was a combination of seeing you every week, or maybe every day, for six months, and then once again, one of those things happens in the business where, whether you just have a horrible month or a horrible week, or you have two of your appointments stand you up in a row, and when you’re driving an hour, hour and a half to get to an appointment, that just really … it just brings you to a place that you’re like, okay, I’ve got to find something different now.
You’re the guy who stayed in front of me, and by then I had a feeling that it was real. But you know what? When I got involved with Jessie, I was one of those guys, I was like, what’s the least amount I can give you? There’s still some skepticism, there’s still some doubt. But now as I look back, I think it was just me. It was self doubt for myself, maybe it was just a self image issue. I got to take responsibility for it where I remember asking, what’s the least amount I can get involved with, and so that’s what I did.
Sam: It’s funny, ’cause it’s probably so different than your way of doing things. It’s like, there’s no physical presence, there’s no in person anything. It’s all digital. And then the calls, you’re booking instead of us going out and trying to get in. And then you get on the call, and it’s not like a sales call that you’re used to. It’s just a person remaining calm and asking questions and being silent.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah. But you know what? That’s helping tremendous today, because now I’m dealing with the same thing. We’re working with insurance guys who are used to, their road warriors, we call them. They’re out there all day long. Some are driving hours a day, some are out all day long meeting with appointments, being stood up. Now here we are, I’ll change places with you, and I’m doing the same thing that somebody was asking me to do. That’s really helped me to have more, I think, empathy with them, knowing that … I just got to bring them a long way. I had to come that long way to be okay with it.
I think that that’s really helped the process that we do today, is the fact that I went through the process, and I considered myself with a higher level of awareness than the average agent, with a higher level of possibility of what’s available, higher mindset and all this, but at the same time, I struggled with it. It’s really helped to help these guys, hold their hand through the process, acknowledging that yeah, it is different. It is different. Yes, it’s scary. We actually tell them what they’re going to feel, before they feel it. When they’re telling us, well, I’m not sure, we can say, “Hey, remember what we talked about, about that resistance, that wall you’re going to hit? This is what’s happening. This is what’s happening right now.” It’s actually helped us to help more agents, I think.
Sam: You had the main objection that you were going to have.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah.
Sam: When you overcome that objection, you now know how to help them overcome it.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah.
Sam: It’s funny, though, how you had the same one that obviously they’re going to have.
Alberto Riehl: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Sam: It’s funny how that works.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah.
Sam: Then you joined Up Level. What happened next?
Alberto Riehl: I keep laughing because … I dove into the program, because I had 30 days before my next payment to know for sure this was real and it wasn’t a scam. That was what I gave myself. My goal was not to go through the program. It was, okay, I’ve got 30 days before my next payment comes out to make sure this is a real thing. I was still scared, I was still skeptical. A couple weeks into it … less than that. A week into it, ’cause I was going through it four hours a day, five hours a day, as much as I could, doing my day job and then at night, putting my kids to bed and staying up til one in the morning, two in the morning, spending four, five hours going through it and learning that okay, yeah, it’s the real thing.
Sam: How did that … I’m interested in how it became the real thing. You thought it was a scam and all that. What had to occur for you to be like, now this is real?
Alberto Riehl: It was the quality of the content. The quality of the content was the main thing, where I got to see, wow, this guy Sam, he really knows what he’s talking about. There’s some good stuff in here and he makes some valid points. I’ve been a student of personal development for most of my adult life. You start talking about mindset and a lot of the stuff that I’ve studied, plus it’s the quality of the content. Going back to that. Knowing that okay, yeah, this guy knows what he’s talking about. Of course I was jumping on every singe call. You were doing two calls a week, I was jumping on every single call. You were there, I was going through the program, I had questions, I was writing them down and asking you the questions. You were there answering the questions, so I thought, okay, this is a real thing. It’s the first program that I’ve done like that. I didn’t know really what to expect, but everything that you talked about came true. That gave me the confidence to just keep going with it.
Sam: Got it. And then, what happened after that?
Alberto Riehl: After that … I started about two years ago. What was it, July or so is when I started. I went live in October. I actually went live at the end of September. I don’t know if you remember this, but at the end of September I went live, and I remember being at the bank. I’ll never forget this. I’m at the bank, sitting down, waiting for the banker lady, and all of a sudden I get a ding on my phone. I looked, and I remember going, holy shit. That was the first appointment I ever booked. I was like … a whole paradigm shift happens instantly. Went from, I hope this works, I believe it works, to holy shit, I know it works now. I remember I got a first appointment there. I just … that completely just mind blasted me. Before I left the bank, in less than two hours, I got a second one. I had just gone live earlier that day, a few hours before, four hours before. That was a Friday. I was super excited. But then I got nothing over the weekend. I go like this, emotion wise, and then I go like this over the weekend. There was a red thing on the optimization in my, on the ad. It wasn’t optimizing for anything, it was red-
Sam: Yeah, vision pixel wasn’t set correctly.
Alberto Riehl: Yes, wasn’t corrected. Man, I was going nuts. I was trying to get it fixed, I went through your course again, through every little step. I literally had my iPad, I was going through it with an iPad. I bought this used, is still have it over here, MacBook Air. I had my used MacBook Air. Again, I just want full in yet. I spent 300 bucks … you told me, you’re like, “Dude, you can’t do it on a iPad.” I was like, okay, fine. I’ll buy myself a used MacBook Air. I spent like 350 on it, I think.
Sam: Do you realize now that you probably can’t have done all of this on an iPad?
Alberto Riehl: Oh yeah, sure. Now I’m talking to you on a brand new MacBook Pro, like the mac daddy.
Sam: I still have this argument with iPad people. I’m like, dude, it’s not going to work.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah. Again, that’s where I was. I loved that iPad. But yeah, just recently, about three months ago, I got a nice MacBook Pro and I’m real happy with it, and now I wish that I would have done it years ago. So I just went through it step by step, and I just couldn’t find the mistake. But one of the things that was awesome is I got on a call with you, one of the calls, and you offered to take control of the screen, or I can’t remember exactly how it was. I couldn’t even find the … I always say I’m the non-techy guy out of the group. I couldn’t even find it. Like, okay, here, take the screen, take control of the screen. I’m like, I don’t know, took me like 60 seconds to not find it, and you’re like, give me your log in and so you logged in, and literally in 10 seconds you went straight to it. Here it is, little red thing turned green in 30 seconds, and then that was it. Then everything started going up from there.
That was at the end of September. October, I ended up with 12 sales, which was my first full month. Twelve sales at 5800.
Sam: I guess that’s a perfect example of the right advice. When something is just puzzling you and you give it days, and then someone just goes and solves it like, bam. I remember that Q and A call, you ended up giving me, you added me as a user, and I logged in as a user in your account. I remember doing that.
Then you said you went live. But just for people who are listening and they’re like, what was live mean? You mean you created your value video, which is the video that explains what you do and who you help and the problem you solve and all of that, and the basic funnel and the landing page, and you turned on the ads to drive the traffic to that, and then the result you got from that process was scheduled appointments in your calendar. So you went from a model of you having to go out and talk to people and work that … what was it called? The Dream 200.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah, Power 200.
Sam: Power 200. You went from having to work the Power 200 to clicking some buttons and having it come to you, which … I guess that changes everything, ’cause it’s from things going this way to things going that way. Then you started getting sales. What were you selling at this point? Is this still selling the done for you and the one on one, or had you switched to the training model?
Alberto Riehl: I switched to the training model, the course. I had an outline of the course, and I had talked to you, one of the times in the Q and A, same thing. I had seen somewhere else before with people that, they’re like, you don’t have to have the course done, you just got to be a week ahead of your first client. So that’s what I did, and I was a week ahead. I had week one done, and that’s all I had. As soon as I got my first client, I’m like, okay, holy crap, now I’ve got to do week two. That kept me motivated. The clients kept coming in. Okay, I’ve got to do week two. I just stayed one week ahead of my first client.
Sam: Got it. How did you know what to put into the training?
Alberto Riehl: I had originally done 12 weeks and you had said, well, you don’t need 12 weeks. Just do 8 weeks. You explained the psychological factor behind that which is very well. I had 12 weeks of content that I put into 8 weeks. That was probably thing is coming up with the 8 weeks. Again, I’ve been in the business so long that I knew what agents needed. I also followed what you had there. I took your model, and then took what I knew agents needed, and then just kind of said, okay, he teaches the script in I think it was week two or three, so I’m going to teach my script in week two or three also. He teaches how to scale in week four, I’m going to teach how to do that in week four. I basically just copied everything from you.
Sam: Got it. So you already, for people listening, understanding how this would have worked, you had been an agent, and you knew how to be good at that. And then you started teaching agents how to be good, because you knew how to do that because you did it. Then you got good at doing that, but in the done for you and one on one setting, and then you maxed that model out because it has physical constraints. And then you joined this, and then you not only … you really machined two things. Not only the client acquisition thing, like having them come to you instead of you chasing them and making that all automated and systemized, but also the service delivery side as well. This is both sides of the thing.
So then, instead of having to go out and do manual labor on that side once you’ve done manual labor on this side, you then … ’cause in the past, you would have had to go to these offices and train them in person and what not, instead you create a program, an online course, with videos and stuff, and then the training happens online, too. You’re really systemizing two sides of it. Basically the whole entire thing, really.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah. It was life changing, too. That month, that October, because I had a goal of 25,000. I said, if I hit 25,000, as soon as I hit 25,000, I’m going to stop meeting with people face to face. In October, I blew past that pretty quickly. As soon as I did, man, I stopped meeting with people. All of a sudden I find myself, I have a bunch of free time. Now of course that gave me the time to work on the program, and that’s what I did, but that was a huge … that was a game changer, life changer. I remember October and then November. I was just poking myself because … for a long time, I always thought, for years and years and years I always thought, if I could find a way to run my business and do it mobile, do it virtual, it would be a game changer.
My family and I love to travel. We love to be at the beach, as you can see, and now this is my office. This is where I get to do my business. I’m barefooted most of the day, which was actually a goal. I had a goal when I was wearing suits, as an insurance guy wearing a suit in 100 degree weather, sweating, my goal was I want to do business barefooted. So I get to do that now. That started in October, November, where all of a sudden it just shifted. I was like, wow, it’s happening. It’s happening. I’ve been thinking about it, I’ve been visualizing it, I’ve been writing about it for years, and now it’s finally here.
Sam: When you were doing the in person stuff, were you in America during that?
Alberto Riehl: Yeah.
Sam: So you moved, didn’t you?
Alberto Riehl: Yeah, I did.
Sam: When did that happen?
Alberto Riehl: That happened … that happened quickly, man. That happened in the winter … actually, what happened in January of 2017, so just that winter right after, a few months later. Sarah and I have always been asked by her dad to come down to a little town that’s just north of Tulum called Puerto Venturas. He’s retired and he’s been coming here for nine years, 10 years, every winter. It’s just a great place, great weather during the winter. I never could. He’s been asking us for years, for five, six, seven years to come, and we never could ’cause I had to work. If I’m not out there in the field, working my butt off, I’m not creating income. So we could never come.
Finally, in January 2017 was the first year that we could come. Again, we just did 12, and I did another, I think I did 12 in October, 11 in November, and so I was going for 25 grand, and at that point we were close to 70 grand a month, and I’m doing it all virtual. Said okay, yeah, we can come in January. We had a place booked, an Air BnB booked here on the water for five weeks. We’re going to be here for five weeks with the whole family. Two weeks into it, Sarah looks at me and says, “I could live here.” I’ve always wanted to live international outside, I wanted my kids to learn another language, that’s very important to me. A couple weeks into it, she’s like, I could live here. Right away, I started looking for a place for us, and we ended up staying. We ended up staying.
Sam: And Sarah’s your wife.
Alberto Riehl: Yes, yeah.
Sam: So you went here thinking you were going to be on a vacation for five weeks, but then you realized, screw it. Let’s just stay.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah. I’d always wanted to, but she’s … from the U.S. Grew up there all her life, and it’s a lot. It’s a big change to move to another country. I think that just her getting to experience it down here and seeing that it was safe for her, it was safe for the kids, everybody spoke English. We’re in an area, there’s a lot of what they call expats, a lot of Europeans, a lot of Swiss, a lot of people from the cold come down here, a lot of Canadians. People from New York come here for the winter. She saw that wow, it’s kind of like America but with a little bit more of a melting pot. Everybody speaks English, they had a good school for the kids. It was fun, everybody’s just driving around in golf carts. So she thought, okay, yeah, I can do it. I was ready to go, as soon as she said “I could live here,” I literally had somebody looking at houses for us the next day. I didn’t want her to come out of the ether. I was like, okay, we’re going to sign a contract here before she comes out of this. That’s what we did. Right away we found a house right on the beach that was perfect, and we ended up signing a lease right then and there.
Sam: Nice. And then you continued to run your business from there.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah. Continue to run it. I was going to say without a hiccup, but being in a third world country, the internet was … some of the things we take for granted in the U.S., we had some internet problems, inconsistently, the service going up and down.
Sam: I remember you asking that on the Q and A. You’re like, what do I do about my internet? I’m like, get a satellite.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah.
Sam: And you got a satellite now.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah, we have a satellite now, and I’m happy to report last Wednesday I got fiber installed. Fiber just got here. So now I have three internet services. My satellite’s now number two in line. The fiber is way faster, so I’m using fiber. Fiber, satellite, and then the normal stuff that everybody uses down here.
Sam: You’ve got three back ups.
Alberto Riehl: I got three back ups, yeah.
Sam: Nice. What really allowed you … I understand that you were able to start selling this program to these people with this new system, you scale up to 18, 20, 50K a month, whatever. How do you go to 290? That’s quite a lot more. And you said it’s well beyond what you thought was possible? You thought the people that said that were lying. How did that actually happen?
Alberto Riehl: You know, for me, after … 2017 was last year … I actually joined the Mastermind pretty quickly. I ended up joining the Mastermind January 1, I’m on a calendar type, from January 1 to December. That, again, it comes back to belief, perception, mindset. Instead of hanging out with people that think 90,000 is a lot, one of the things that the Mastermind did is, I remember going to the first Mastermind, it was in 2017, February I think, at the end of February, something like that, I had just joined. I remember being there, still doing about 12, 13, I was about right there. Which is about 60, 70 a month. I remember thinking I was pretty hot shit ’cause that’s the most I’d ever done. And being the smallest guy in the room. Being the guy with the least amount of results.
It was just awesome. I had one guy next to me doing 350,000, another guy next to me doing 600,000. Andrew over doing, he was at 800 or whatever it was. In that right there, my belief to what’s possible changed. All of a sudden I was humbled, which I needed, and learned very quickly that that 70 grand a month was really nothing. I was playing small, and I remember as you started the Mastermind and you’re saying, okay, what’s everybody’s goal? My goal was 100 grand, and I thought that was big. As I hear everybody’s goals and people’s goals are like a million a month and 800 a month, wow. I’m like, I can’t [inaudible 00:35:36] 100 grand a month. That’s embarrassing. Instantly there I changed my goal to 200 a month, which was still one of the lowest ones, but I didn’t believe it.
Just being around those people that were doing it and getting to hang out with them, going to dinner with them … we have dinners, we have lunches together and you get to talk to them, everybody’s super cool, super nice, everybody’s very giving. There was nobody that was like, wow, this guy’s a genius, no wonder he’s doing 500K a month. It just lets you know that these guys are just like you. All it takes is discipline. They’re working harder than I am, they’re putting in more hours that I am, they’re more committed than I am, they have more self-discipline than I am. That’s what it is. Am I willing to do that? And if I am, then I can have that. That’s where it really changed for me.
Sam: Yeah, that’s interesting. You always think that those people must be really special and they’re probably not even human. And then you meet them, and then you realize that they’re fully human, but just hard working.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah. Exactly. That’s what it was. Definitely.
Sam: How did you go to 290? It can’t just be meeting some people and thinking it’s possible. ‘Cause now you know it’s possible and you’re aiming for it, which is a great start, but how do you get it?
Alberto Riehl: Just start going after it. I remember I had a conversation with Andrew Argue right before I went to a thousand a day. I couldn’t go to a thousand a day, mentally, I just couldn’t do it. I was too scared.
Sam: This is ads spend, right?
Alberto Riehl: Yeah, Facebook ads. A thousand a day. Just having a conversation with him, he said, “Dude, I was scared the same way.” And then Amanda saying, he was scared a thousand … she was yelling in the background of the phone. “He was scared at two thousand, he was scared at three thousand.” I was like, okay, yeah, it’s just going to keep going. It reminded me that this is what I teach my people is that they’re going to hit that … Bob Proctor calls it a terror barrier, terror barrier, that wall. That’s where I was, and I went for it. That was the big thing. Now, I just went past 3,000 a day last week. Guess what? I had a conversation with Andrew again last week, and it was kind of very similar. I just needed that reassurance, dude, you’re on the right path.
I added two sales guys at the end of last year, so last year I did it pretty much all by myself, and then at the end of the year I added two sales guys. They’re still with me today. They’re doing very well.
Sam: What was the net you could get to just by yourself?
Alberto Riehl: By myself, what did I get to? I got to right around … I think I was right around 20, 22, 23. That’s where I was hovering for a while.
Sam: Twenty-two, 23 units.
Alberto Riehl: Units, yeah.
Sam: At that price it’s like 128 to 140K. Riehl: I was about 120, 130, around there. I found myself stuck there for a little while.
Sam: How come?
Alberto Riehl: I want to say six months, maybe, I was stuck there. Did you say how come?
Sam: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Alberto Riehl: Getting reminders, all these appointment sets are coming through.
I don’t know, I think that’s where … looking back, I thought I needed more appointments and more sales people. I was doing a max of five appointments per day. I know when you were grinding it out, you were doing 10 a day or 12 a day or something like that.
Sam: Yeah but I didn’t have kids.
Alberto Riehl: Right? Well, exactly. That’s the thing. At five, that’s what I was willing to do. So I was doing 25 a week, and that’s what I was able to get to. I thought, okay, I either have to take on more appointments myself, and kiss my family goodbye, or say, sorry, we’re going to see you less, which I did not want to do, or I start adding some sales people. So I started adding some sales people. I added two right away.
Sam: Got it. And there was a lot of friction to having to bring on other people.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah.
Sam: That’s always there, man. You should see how long it took me to do that. It’s one of the biggest barriers. So as soon as you started to bring on some reps, and then you started increasing the spend, it’s really these two variables that started growing things up.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah. Of course, bringing the people on was a big thing, because another mindset thing I had to go through was, I had told myself that I was going to be a one man show. I think people are calling it now a solopreneur or whatever it is, because I had agents before. I had had hundreds of agents before, working with me. Sometimes they needed stuff at 9:00 at night or 10:00 at night. If they needed something, I was going to be on the phone and helping them out. I didn’t want to do that again. I wanted to focus on being able to spend time with my family. I don’t know if you can hear my 12 month old, my year old just woke up from a nap there in the background.
That got in my way for a while. Well, but you said you weren’t going to start bringing more people on, you’re not going to babysit more, right? That’s what I called it. You’re not going to babysit more, it’s going to take time away. But I thought, okay, what do I want more? I finally got to the point where I can’t have it all. So what do I want more? I either take on more appointments, I bring on more people, or I just stay stagnant, stay where I’m at, and be happy with it. I knew I couldn’t be happy with that. I knew I couldn’t stay fulfilled by staying in the same spot. I knew that wasn’t the answer. I thought, okay, I’m going to bring on some people. I’m here to help people, I’m helping agents. Guess what? I can also help other consultants.
Today, it’s been great, ’cause both of the guys that are with me were actually friends of mine from before. Known them before the business and their life has now turned around. They’re earning more money than they ever have before. The training, they’re very grateful about. Mindset training and stuff that we go over that we’ve never had. So now we have a nice little team going and we just added a third guy last month.
Sam: Nice.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah.
Sam: How is it going for the agents? Coming, being sold through with an automated, online system with this new sales model, and also going through a virtual training program with videos and things. How’s that going for them?
Alberto Riehl: It’s going awesome, man. It’s … again, there was doubt, but it was all in my mind. I thought, okay, could it work this way? Insurance is a very traditional industry, where they teach you it has to be face to face. Just get in the door, just kind of old school sales. Just get in the door. Don’t do anything on the phone, you just want to get in the door. All the trainings are done face to face, they have conventions all the time where a thousand agents gather up and all that. I had my doubts, personally, because of it, but at the end of the day, it’s working awesome.
We’re getting … right now, it kind of has gained momentum and it has a life of its own. We’re getting results published from our clients every single day. Every day. It’s just awesome. Guys that … just in the last three days, we’ve had one guy that said he tripled his return on investment in our program in 24 hours. That was on Friday. Another guy did $20,000 in one day. Another guy ended up with $60,000 last month. This is just what’s coming to mind in just the last few days. They’re pouring in, pouring in. They kind of have a life of its own. It’s pretty cool to see people … I’ve done some video interviews kind of like this that I got as an idea from you. I’ve had guys break down at the end, crying, because their life has completely changed with our program. That’s super cool to see.
Sam: Nice. What is it about what you teach these people? How are you able to do that?
Alberto Riehl: I think the main thing is that I’ve done it before, for me. That’s one of the things that people ask me all the time, what makes you different than the other program out there teaching life insurance agents? I say, well, at my highlight, my high point in insurance, I was with an insurance company that had 12,000 sales people, and I was number one. Number one out of 12,000. I’d say, okay, think about having the top guy in the company, the guy that’s doing the training, that people are asking him to do the training, and having him hold your hand through his process and teaching you exactly how he does it. It goes back to, they say there’s no shortcut to success, but if there was a shortcut, find somebody that has done what you want to be doing and then just copy them. That’s the way that I designed it, exactly what I used to do to hit those numbers, and I teach them exactly how to do it.
Sam: That’s exactly what I recommend, ’cause that’s what I do, too. ‘Cause you know it will work. It has worked. You know what I mean? That’s how I know. Some people, including myself, used to be anxious about making trainings. You’re like, oh, but if I teach these people this, will they understand it? Will they implement it? And then if they do implement it, will it work? There’s a lot of doubt there, right? But then the only thing that made me think yes it will was because it did, for me. If it worked for me, and I know it absolutely worked, then it should work for them. But, as a good rule, it’s like, if it didn’t work for me and I haven’t done it, don’t put it in, because you know what’s going to happen. It won’t work.
Alberto Riehl: Exactly.
Sam: What is it about the things you teach them? What made you number one out of 12,000 reps?
Alberto Riehl: I think it’s a combination of a lot of things. When I had my insurance agency and I’d teach my reps, I always put mindset first. I told my guys that we’re not an insurance company, we are a personal development company whose compensation plan is funded by insurance. So we were a mindset company, a personal development company, first, and a lot of insurance guys don’t want to hear that. A lot of insurance guys are like, yeah, yeah, yeah, but just give me your magical script. Or yeah, yeah, yeah, but just give me the magical leads. The guys that didn’t resonate with that, we just get rid of them or they didn’t come. So we had guys that every day were focused and did their exercise, we’re talking visualizing exercises, writing down goals, and that’s what we focused on.
At the same time, then we did have a way to generate the clients, and I have a literal step by step, word for word, script that I’ve used, which I share with my clients, to close business in one meeting, which is one thing that I always did. That’s what’s great about the results we have on our page, snapshots, screen shots from people posting in our group. People closing $25,000 a year premiums … that probably doesn’t mean much to you, but that’s considered a pretty large case in the insurance business. 25,000 a year in one appointment, where most agents think they gotta meet with people four times. They do a fact finder, and then after that they propose a few different illustrations, and then they get back and talk about it, and then they finally close business. Four meetings. We do it in one meeting.
Sam: You can do all of those in one meeting.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah. We do it all in one meeting. And just keeping it very simple. Again, the script is very simple. Most insurance agents, financial advisors, have a little bit of an ego. They want to tell the prospect, they don’t want to show the prospect how much they know. They’re talking about all these financial terms and dividends and pay out and tax deferred and all this. The client, all they care about, hey, is this going to take care of my family if something happens? Is this going to take care of the problem? That’s all they care about. That’s all we focus on. We make it very simple, and so people are able to move forward ’cause they have the confidence. They understand what we’re talking about, and they have the confidence to make a decision. You need a certain level of confidence, right, psychology wise, to make a decision. If there’s any doubt, especially with something this important, no decision is made.
That’s how we teach our guys. It’s very simple. We do surveys after every appointment and they say, man, this guy’s insurance is very easy to understand. It’s the first time that we understand insurance. Now, it’s the same insurance. They’re delivering the policy, it’s a 60 page policy made up of legal jargons that nobody knows, including myself, but just the way the agent explains it, the people like it, ’cause they understand it. They feel smart, the agent makes them feel smart. They like the agent, they trust the agent, they have a certain level of confidence to make a decision, and it all comes together, and it all comes together and they make a decision in 45 minutes.
Sam: Insurance for humans.
Alberto Riehl: That’s what it is. That’s what it is. I actually had a training at my last Q and A on Thursday, and that’s exactly the guy’s giving me his … we have a part of it called a Ben Duffy which is where we humanize ourselves. That’s what we do, we humanize ourselves, because people are ready to meet a sales agent, but they’re not ready to meet that person. We humanize ourselves, and he starts talking about … what’s the word he used? It was arbitrage. That’s what it was. Arbitrage. I’m like, dude. Do not … now, take that word out and say it for humans.
Sam: It’s all Wall Street to him.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah.
Sam: Not a household to him.
Alberto Riehl: That’s the thing. Insurance guys try to say they’re financial advisors. Maybe they are or whatever, but that’s … and they try to act like one and talk like one, but all that does, it confuses people. They get the old, I want to think about it, and then they never hear back from them again.
Sam: I find labels really distort things and confuse people. That’s why I personally don’t like them. You think, oh, that’s what I am. And so then you try to pretend and act like you are this, but you’re not a label. You’re helping solve this problem for this person, which is worrying about their future.
Alberto Riehl: Yep. Exactly. Exactly.
Sam: You’re selling a safe future.
Alberto Riehl: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah. It’s a solution, and that’s a big thing we teach. Most agents focus on features. Like, oh, it’s got this much cash value at age 65, and here’s an accelerated death benefit, you can get 90% out if you get diagnosed with a disease like heart attack, cancer, stroke. They start going into stuff like that and the prospect is just like, oh my goodness. Is this just going to take care of my family in case x, y, z? That’s all I care about. So that’s what we teach them to do, just to keep it simple, keep it in a language that the client can understand and find out what the problem is, and then provide something that solves it. That’s it. You don’t need four meetings for that, you know?
Sam: That’s awesome. So what’s next for you? What do you want to do with this business? Five years from now, 10 years from now, what’s the vision?
Alberto Riehl: Man. I’ve been thinking a lot about that lately, ’cause I just got the idea that I know how to make it a million dollar a month business. I know how to make it an eight figure business. I’m laying the tracks, I guess, the infrastructure now to make that happen. That’s not even a five year plan. Five, 10 year plan would be more of a hundred million dollar goal. That is more of a … we go back to willingness. I know it’s out there, I know it’s very possible. The opportunities that we have are huge with what’s happening in the world. We have a very old industry. The average advisor or insurance agent is 58 years old. The experts, whoever the experts are, are saying that in the next eight years, there’s going to be 250,000 less agents and less advisors than there are today.
The millennials have been slow to get into it because they’re going after the hot stuff, digital marketing and social media. They want to be You Tube stars and stuff like that, and selling life insurance just isn’t that cool. But what’s great about it is that all the benefits that the young guys want, I think the millennials have gotten a little bit of a hard time. People talk about, oh, they want to make six figures right out of school, and they want to dictate their own shots, and they want three months vacation, and they don’t want to be managed, and they want to be their own boss, and they want to work when they want. Guess what? That’s insurance. If you do it right, all those benefits of insurance, that’s what it is. There’s a huge opportunity for it. So I see us really changing the industry as how somebody gets involved in it.
I see these big companies which today, we’re very blessed. Every major company, we have every major company as a client, whether it’s New York Life or Prudential or State Farm or Farmers. You can just list them all. They’re all clients today.
Sam: When you were nine and you had this issue with insurance and stuff, what was the issue? What made that so visceral and important to you, to try and fix? What was the problem there?
Alberto Riehl: My dad actually had millions of dollars of insurance, of life insurance. He had millions of dollars. When I was growing up, my mom said that they used to laugh about, my mom’s going to have him off or something ’cause he was worth more dead than alive to her. But it wasn’t done properly. There’s a lot of responsibility on the agent, on the advisor. Filling out the application properly, making sure everything is done properly, because we have to know that insurance companies are a business. Unfortunately, when there’s a big claim, or any claim, insurance companies aren’t with their checkbooks saying, “Hey, here you go. How much was it? Here you go.” The very first thing they do is they look for a reason top not have to pay. That’s something everybody should know. Let’s make sure everything was done, Ts were crossed, everything was good.
In this case, they found several things that were not done properly, and so the insurance agents washed their hands of any responsibility. My mom was a homemaker. She hadn’t worked. Went from taking care of the kids to all of a sudden she has to raise three kids. I was the oldest of three. I was nine, my sister was five, my brother had just turned one years old. All of a sudden she’s single, trying to raise three kids.
We were in South America, we had to move to Texas, which is where my grandfather, my mom’s parents were. Went from living a decent life, a good life, to now we’re living in my grandparents’ little two bedroom town home and getting state help and free lunch at school and hand me down clothing. All I heard growing up, and maybe one of the reasons why I didn’t believe you were making 300,000 a month, all I heard growing up was, “No, we don’t have money. No, we can’t afford it. No, we can’t afford it.” Of course, as a kid, it builds your paradigm, right? So I had that scarcity mentality, poverty mentality.
Sam: What is it called when an insurance company refuses to pay out an insurance thing like that?
Alberto Riehl: They just decline of a policy. They’re just declining the policy. Declining the claim. They give you the reasons why. There’s a contestability period. Things have changed, but here in the U.S. it’s a two year contestability period. If you have a policy in the first two years, they can contest it. If something happens, if there’s a death claim in the first two years, there’s a contestability period and the insurance company is going to look for anything they can find to not have to pay that claim. If you have a suicide or stuff like that, they don’t pay in the first two years. It was still within that two year period, and so the insurance company didn’t pay. They declined all the claims.
Sam: I’ve got a good vision and mission for you, then. What you’re really trying to do is no … it’s like a statement. No honest life insurance claim left unpaid. Or better terms than that. But you know what I mean? Make sure that if it’s honest and it’s about life insurance, and there’s a claim, zero often are not paid out.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah. Yeah.
Sam: That’s really what you care about, obviously.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah. That happens all the time. With agents going through their applications, and they’re like, “Oh, Sam, you were kind of dizzy and you had a blackout six months ago? Did you go to the doctor?” “No, I didn’t go to the doctor.” “Okay, well it’s not in the medical records anywhere. We’re just not going to talk about that on the application, okay? Got it, okay.”
Something as simple as that, that happens every day. If the insurance companies find it, of course they’re going to decline it.
Sam: Yeah, so there’s two sides to it. It’s kind of cool, because on one side of it you’re making sure that the people who are buying this insurance are not going to get screwed. And you’re helping them. On the other side of it, you’re making sure that in order to do that, you’ve got to make sure the agents are really good. And then by being really good, not only are they helping the people, but they also get to make a lot of money.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah.
Sam: It’s a cool, it’s a good business. I can see why it’s done what it’s done. There’s a lot of meaning behind it and there’s a lot of experience behind it, and it’s a win-win for both sides of the party. You know what I mean? You’re not just trying to make money for yourself by helping agents just sell more stuff. It’s got more meaning to it than that.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely.
Sam: What would you say has been the most transformational part of going through the program?
Alberto Riehl: Transformational part. Well, I think it’s two things, really. Number one is the Facebook. Having everything virtual. Again, when I was in that bank, I remember it perfectly, man. I remember where I was sitting, the lady had just gotten up to go … I didn’t want to be rude ’cause I got this little ding, I didn’t know what it was. I was kind of … you know when you first go live and you’re like, oh my gosh. Kind of nervous. I remember checking my phone. That was one transformation that happened in an instant. Holy crap, this works. It’s actually working. I’m taking everything and now, this is where the rubber hits the road. This is where everything … everything we’ve done is for this right here. That was one. That really got me to the place where I could leave the old school way of doing business, or the dinosaur way of doing business.
The second one was, okay, now that I’m doing pretty decent, and I start feeling good about myself, to be part of the Mastermind and be in a room where … again, it changed my perception. My whole perspective, what’s possible, it just gave me something to shoot for. Gave me belief that I really needed to go for something bigger, because at 12, 13 units, 12, 13 sales or clients a month, I was pretty happy. I was pretty happy, I was pretty fulfilled. Who knows how long I would have stayed there. I did kind of start inching up from there on my own, but that started, again, with the Mastermind. That really wanted me to … it pushed me to get to that next level. Now it’s like, okay, we’re getting together again in four months, in June. Guess what? We’re going over our numbers. I don’t want to say my numbers and they’re exactly the same. I want to show that I can do-
Sam: That made a big difference for you. I remember, I still do that every time. Go around at the start, every single person says where they’re at, where they want to go to. That made a difference for you at the first Mastermind, hearing all of that from the other people.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah. It was not only hearing it from them, so that let me know that a lot more was possible, it was also accountability. Because I’m in a group of people that I now respect. Like, holy crap. This guy over here’s going to make seven million this year. This guy over here’s going to make four million this year. In the world out there, that’s not something that’s very common. You don’t find … even insurance business, financial advisors. I was listening to this training where they had the top one percent of Morgan Stanley guys and they were averaging 900,000 a year. That’s the top Morgan Stanley bankers, that’s where the money is. They were averaging 900,000 a year, and to have a guy in the room doing that in a month, it just blows away any sort of ceiling that I had made myself.
Sam: Cool. So how can people learn more about what you do? We’re going to put this on You Tube and Facebook and things. I’m sure a lot of people listening will be like, hey, I know someone who’s an insurance agent. Or something like that. How can they learn more about what you do?
Alberto Riehl: You can go to predictablepremium.com. That’s the name of my program, predictablepremium.com. That’ll give them all the information that they want.
Sam: Awesome. Well thanks a lot for jumping on. It’s awesome to hear the story. I knew what the results were, but I didn’t really hear the deeper story behind it, so it’s actually quite fun to hear it.
Alberto Riehl: Awesome, man. Thank you for doing this. It was pretty fun, and thank you for everything you do. It’s completely transformed the way we run our business and our lives. Thank you.
Sam: No problem. We’ll speak again, sir.
Alberto Riehl: All right, buddy.
Sam: See you.
Alberto Riehl: Bye.

Bob Proctor
Bob Proctor: Hello there, welcome, I’m Bob Proctor, and I’m here with Alberto Riehl. Alberto, it’s a real pleasure working with you, it really is. Alberto Riehl: Thank you. Bob Proctor: I love the results that you’re getting, and I love how you help the agents improve their productivity. You know, I worked around the insurance industry for many, many years. I’ve been in the self-help business now for about 57 years. I’ve been at it as long as anybody, probably, and Alberto’s working with some our material that can change your life like night and day. You know, your productivity is being controlled by an idea in your subconscious mind, it’s your paradigm. Your paradigm’s not only genetic, it’s environmental, and if that paradigm doesn’t change, the productivity will not change. It’ll change temporarily, go right back to where it was, but I can guarantee, if you will listen to what this man tells you, do exactly what he suggest with the material that he’s got, you can multiply, and I’m not exaggerating, literally multiply what you’re doing, and with less effort. You see, trying harder’s not the answer. Bob Proctor: You’ve gotta work different, and if you’re gonna work different, you’ve gotta go the cause of your results. You know, in the movie, The Secret, it left everyone with the idea you can have what you want. That is not true. You have what you desire once you’re on the conscious level. Desire’s on the subconscious level. Alberto can show you how to build the desire, and how that will attract to you the clients you need, the productivity you need. Listen carefully to what he says, do exactly what he says. Try it for a month. You’ll never go back. You are doing one heck of a good job. Alberto Riehl: Thank you. Bob Proctor: And I’m really proud to work with you, Alberto. I really am. Alberto Riehl: Thank you. Bob Proctor: Do what the man tells you.

Grant Cardone
Grant Cardone: Yeah. So, what’d your dad die of?
Alberto Riehl: Plane crash.
Grant Cardone: Oh, wow.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah. Total surprise, and …
Grant Cardone: Every time I leave the house, I die. I saw my kids this morning. I’m like … Okay, Papa, see you in a couple of days! You know?
I’m like, I always think about … Something bad. You know?
Alberto Riehl: Yeah, I think about that too. When I don’t travel with them, it kind of scares me a little bit.
Grant Cardone: Yeah, yeah.
Alberto Riehl: And so, today, I help life insurance agents basically 10X their business. There’s a couple of reasons for it.
Number one, I was really … I was affected by it. My dad had a lot of life insurance, but because he died on a plane crash and he wasn’t advised properly, nothing paid.
Grant Cardone: Oh, wow.
Alberto Riehl: You know? So then, lost the business that his dad had started. Lost the home. Moved to … You know where we moved to? Because, you said in your book so many times, El Paso, Texas. You talk about El Paso all the time.
Grant Cardone: Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Alberto Riehl: So that’s where I went at nine years old, but …
Grant Cardone: I’m going to tell you, man, how honored I am that you would want to spend time with me.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah.
Grant Cardone: … And that the two of together can … I know when two people come together, things change.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah.
Grant Cardone: So, I’m here to help you in any way I can. I don’t know if I can or not, but …
Alberto Riehl: I really appreciate that.
Grant Cardone: I want to thank you also, because you make what I want to do possible.
Alberto Riehl: Awesome.
Grant Cardone: A lot of people don’t want to change their conditions.
Grant Cardone: The thing I’d be curious about is … Look, your business has grown. That’s a million dollars. Then, you doubled it.
Alberto Riehl: One million.
Grant Cardone: One million.
Alberto Riehl: One million last year.
Grant Cardone: One million.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah.
Grant Cardone: Now you’re doing two million.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah, yeah.
Grant Cardone: That’s a double.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah, I thought you said ten. But, that’s the next goal. I’ll be there.
Grant Cardone: Oh, yeah. So, well, you’re at ten, too. So, what I would do is I’d be like, hey, let’s focus on building a twenty million dollar business. 10X the two. Not that you’ll get their right away. You’re not going to get to ten right away, but …
Right? But, what you’re doing right now, man. Building a business and growing a business, you’re helping people.
Alberto Riehl: Yep.
Grant Cardone: Like, that’s inspiration, too. I’m inspired by people that do well. I’m more interested, personally, in, hey, I went from making … Like, not knowing what I was doing, to starting a business, to making a million dollars in a year.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah.
Grant Cardone: You know? And, the fact that, this stuff you’re doing with Facebook Ads and stuff. That’s what I’m interested in. I’m interested in the lighthouse.
Alberto Riehl: Yeah.
Alberto Riehl: 5 Creative Ways to Expand Your Business
You’ve also probably seen those scary statistics about …
“I was stuck doing $8,000/Month in Life Premium for the last 2 years, I just couldn’t get above it, I tried everything and almost gave up. Great thing I didn’t and found you Alberto! I haven’t even finished your program and I just did $13,537 in October! Thank you!
” Having tried Mailers, Radio Ads, bugging my friends and family, things would work for a while and then my pipeline would dry up. I dreaded the 1st of the month because I had no idea how I was going to get clients for the month.”
” NOT ANYMORE! Thanks to your training, I know exactly what I need to do to get the clients and the Life Premium I want for the month and I just go out and do it. It’s as simple as following a GPS, step by step, just like your video said. My income is finally consistent! What a relief! AND the best part? I finally got to retire my wife! She just put in her 2 weeks notice! I can’t thank you enough Alberto!!!”
“Only 8 weeks in to the course and I just got my 1st client! AND it’s the biggest case I have ever written! Before your training, I was struggling to get small Term Life policies averaging $720/year in Premium. Today’s app is for $4,217/annual premium! WOW! I can’t believe it! Super excited! Thanks soooo much!”
“As a P&C Agency, I have always struggled to get our Life Insurance Business where we wanted it to be. Our company training seemed so generic and out of date. We would have 1 good month, get excited thinking maybe this is where it all turns around and then….Back to the $4-$6,000 of monthly Life Premium, so frustrating!”
“Alberto! I’m happy to report that we just hit our goal of $20,000/month less than 6 months into your program! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
” I was in the Health Insurance business, things were always pretty good, and then Obama Care took all the fun out of it ( and Money!). For almost 3 years I’ve tried a bunch of different lead programs, training programs etc. with little to no success. I was losing hope and thought I would be grinding it out until retirement in the Health Insurance field”
“Then a buddy of mine shared your Facebook Ad with me, I watched, I was bit skeptical because of all my previous failures, but I decided to take one last chance And I’m so glad I did! This open enrollment period will be my last one and I couldn’t be Happier! I make about $450 on a Health policy and with your system, I’m making an average of $3,187 per case! Unbelievable! Thank you so much!”
“I had been in an agency 3 years earning about $80K/year in Life commissions, which was OK, but, what I wasn’t happy with was that my Manager was getting all the good leads and giving me his left overs, I had to work really hard to get appointments, wasn’t looking forward to getting in the phone everyday., I knew I could do much better if I just had the right system.”
“Now when I go to work, I can’t wait to get on the phone, EVERY person I talk to wants to talk to me about Life Insurance! Work is actually fun again! AND, I’m on track to double my Life Commissions in my first full year after joining your program! Thank you!
“Looking back now, it’s amazing how insecure I used to feel about my business and that’s because I never knew where my next client was coming from. This made me uneasy to the point I couldn’t even plan family trips in advance because of the fear that maybe things would be rough at that time.”
” thank you for giving me the tools to know exactly what I need to do to have prospects calling me to buy Life Insurance. I feel now that my family’s financial future is secure!”
“Alberto is a breath of fresh air. I am so tired of unprofessional sales people that really don’t know what they are talking about. In contrast, Alberto is knowledgeable, professional and very thorough. My costs went down by 23% within 30 days of his first visit to my business. I would highly recommend him.”
” I used to be afraid to open my merchant statement. Now, I look forward to seeing it in the mail. Everything I was told would happen is actually happening, Finally! A merchant services provider I can keep until I retire!”
“It’s been almost 2 years and Alberto’s cell phone still exists ( inside joke)! Thanks for ALWAYS being there when we need you.”
“I finally understand my merchant statement. Even though I’ve been using credit cards at my business for over 12 years, I’ve never been able to understand 100% of my charges. Until now!
I called Alberto when I got my first merchant statement and he went over it line by line as promised. I was really impressed when I called him again when I got my 2nd statement and again he took his time to explain everything. I know feel empowered to actually know EVERYTHING I’m being charged for. Thanks!”
“Everyday I get at least 5 phone calls telling me they are going to save me money on my merchant services, so when I first met with Alberto from DreamSource, I was VERY skeptical. But something changed as we talked. I could tell Alberto was a true professional. He answered every question ver clearly and in simple terms a nontechie like me could understand.”
“Fast forward 7 months later and I’m happy ( and relieved) to say it’s turned out to be one of the best things I’ve ever done for my business”
” I promised myself I would never sign another contract, so when I did, I woke up at 2am that night with the ultimate buyers remorse. I called Alberto at 8am on the dot and to my surprise he actually answered. He assured me I had done the right thing for my business and family and asked me to trust him. This was very hard for me since my last guy had taken total advantage of us.”
“Although I was super nervous, I decided to take a leap of faith and give him a try.”
“After 6 months, I’m happy to report that everything has been great! Alberto just did a cost analysis for us as promised and he was actually able to lower our rates even more! Wow! I didn’t see that coming! I am now a believer and definitely recommend him.”
” I’ve been in business for a long time ( over 20 years) and one thing I know for sure, is that my CC ( credit card) fees go up every year. So when Alberto said he could fix my rates AND put it in writing, I thought it was too good to be true. He also put in writing that if he didn’t lower my rates, I could walk away with no fees or penalties. Still skeptical, I figured I had nothing to loose so I gave it a try. It’s been almost 4 years and my fees have actually gone down! It’s so nice not to have to shop around every year for a new merchant service provider”
“Wow! What a difference a year has made!”
“When Alberto showed me a whopping $38 a month in savings, I really couldn’t get excited about it. He shared with me his vision for having the new technology actually help me increase my sales which would continue to increase savings as well. I decided to try it since my old guy had disappeared off the face of the earth and figured worst case scenario I would have a new guy I could bug when I had a problem.”
“We focused on the 20% of my customers which were accounting for 80%of my business and I can’t believe that in less than a year, these same customers are spending 26% more AND they are bringing their friends who are now doing the same. I can’t believe how simple this was.”
“You better call DreamSource before your competition does!”
“I had a merchant services company in the past that promised big savings and that they would even pay my Early Termination Fee that my contract had. After giving them a try they did neither!”
“Needless to say, I was very skeptical when Alberto promised the same thing, especially since my cancellation fee and lease pay off with my new company was over $3,000!”
Somehow, I decided to take a leap of faith and today ( 3 months later), I’m so glad I did. When I couldn’t understand his statement, he came back over and went over it with me line by line and I ended up saving me 21% which was exactly what he had projected at our first meeting. I even got the $3150 check to pay off my old processor and lease right on schedule. I’ll be recommending him to all my friends! Thanks!”
“I hate technology! But I now love my new POS system. It literally saves me 5-10 hours of work every week. It does everything, inventory,keeps track of payroll and sends out offers to my best customers which has them coming back to my store more often and spending more money! Thanks a bunch!”
“Just had my first issue with my terminal, pushed the “help” button and my phone rang 2-3 minutes later and it was technical support. I was up and going in less than 15 minutes. I couldn’t believe it!”
“After years and years of being pushed around by these big banks, I finally feel like I have a powerful advocate to help me. Thank you!”
“I really want to recommend Alberto and his team. When I received my first merchant statement, I have to be honest, the savings just weren’t there.”
“I emailed Alberto and within a couple hours I had a response from the Vice President of the processor he had place me with promising to take care of it himself.”
” He analyzed my statement, made adjustments to my rates and when I got my next statement, I was very happy to see my savings were right on! I’m really impressed with how quickly things were attended to and resolved.” Thanks for your great service!”
“Although we knew a POS system would help us be more efficient, every company we talked to wanted thousands and thousands of dollars up front and being a new business, that would of put a lot of stress on our small budget.”
“Alberto asked questions about our goals and vision for the future that nobody had asked us before. We could tell he really cared about the welfare of our business. He ended up designing a program specifically for our business that upgraded us From a basic terminal to a brand new cutting edge First Data Clover system with absolutely no upfront cost and our monthly fees are 12% less now INCLUDING the POS cost! Thank you sooooo much!”
“I’d had my electronic payments handled by Bank of America for over 12 years when I decided to try out a company that promised me they could do the same at a fraction of the cost.”
“What a nightmare! From the integration with my POS, I had technicians asking me all kinds of technical questions I didn’t have the answer to, to our money ending up in some bank account in Texas! I quickly switched back to Bank of America and swore to myself I would never leave them and put my self through that again!”
“Well fast forward and after meeting with Alberto a couple times, I could tell he was an expert and true professional. I was pretty nervous but, I decided to go for it. The integration was flawless and Alberto went above and beyond by even calling First Data to do the integration after my restaurant closed which was past 10 at night! All money has been rapidly deposited into my account with no hiccups and anytime I call him he calls me right back and I’m saving over 38% vs Bank of America! Thank you!”
“Just wanted to say a quick thank you for all your great work. Taking the time to actually show me a few things I could do myself really won me over. When most people are trying to find ways to charge more for their services, you showed me how I could save and I really appreciate it. Thanks again!”
“Amazing! That’s all I can say! I can’t wait to upgrade to your dominator package!”
“When Alberto first told me he could take over the entire first page of Google, I thought absolutely no way. Well, I’ve never been happier to be proven wrong! In less than a year, we have gone from less than 5% of our business being online to now having 7 out of the first 10 spots on Google and having over 70% of our business come from there.”
“I’ve been promised the stars several times by SEO firms that talked a big game but always ended up with nothing but excuses on why they didn’t deliver. I always wondered why if they were so confident in their abilities, they never offered any sort of guarantee. I was always told guarantees didn’t exist in their business, although odd, I shopped around a lot and since nobody offered them I thought it must be true.”
“Then my whole world changed when one of my best friends told me about DreamSource Consulting. They actually guaranteed their work! Imagine that! An incentive for them to do great work! The result? I’ve never been happier with my business! I’m in the top 4 spots for ALL of my keywords after just 3 months! I knew a firm like this just had to exist! Thank you Jack my dear friend and thank you DreamSource!”
“Being a dentist in my big city is super competitive, to say the least. Because of that, I get hit up by SEO’s all the time asking for big money. I was in the process of hiring a firm when I got DreamSource’s report sent to me Fedex! Wow! Instantly these guys got my attention by standing out from their competition big time. I thought to my self,man, if they can design a campaign half this effective, I’ll hit a home run.”
” I was right! In just 4 months I’m on the top of the first page of Google for 2 out 3 of my keywords and the 3rd keyword is at the top of the 2nd page and consistently climbing.”
“More importantly, my calendar has been filling up and I will either have to add another workday to my schedule or hire another dentist! Keep the patients coming!”
“How did you do it? Being an attorney and going after the most competitive keywords in one of the largest cosmopolitan areas in the country, I crossed my fingers and leaned on DreamSource’s written guarantee for comfort. After 30 days I got my first report and although we weren’t anywhere near the first page ( page 6), I breathed a little easier seeing the major movement.”
“I’ll spare all the details, but I will tell you that we are now on the first page for my 3 keywords we chose for my practice, phones have been ringing off the hook, I’ve had to add another full time admin person to help! This all after only a short 5 months AND my 2nd set of keywords should be hitting the first page just as planned in the next 30 days or so! I feel this is the beginning of a very wild ride! Thanks a million ( literally)!
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! Our practice has gotten so busy over the last couple months and we know it’s because of you! Thanks again!”
“You guys are true professionals, you are always there when I need you. Thanks guys!”
“4 months and 3 days and I am #1 for All my keywords! I never thought this could happen! Business is going through the roof and know I’m actually thinking of opening another location. You truly are giving me an unfair advantage over my competition. Wait…what competition?! Love you!”
“When you said that you could take over the ENTIRE first page of Google, I thought “no way!” But somehow….you have done it! When every company I talked said I was fighting an impossible battle, you said “Easy!” What? Who are you? And how can you be so much better than your so called “competition”? Oh well, who cares! Just keep working for me. Please and thank you!”
” Alberto’s knowledge of the sales cycle astonishes me. What a true professional! When I found out that he studies the sale industry 2-3 hours every day, I knew I had found the right guy!”
“When I first met Alberto I was # 15 out of 50 sales people. I was dong OK but not getting rich like my ultimate plan was. Within 90 days of getting coached from Alberto I went to the # 1 spot! And now, every month I’m at the top! And the best thing is I’m actually working less! Thanks Bro!”
“Our conversion shut up 142% in less than 30 days of implementing your systems! So simple, yet so powerful. Thank you.”
“You cut our presentation in half and almost doubled our closing! Thanks!